
February 22, 2011

S3PE - The Sims 3 Package Editor (in-game/buyable) by Cmo

Download at Leefish

Thanks, Inge Jones:)


  1. this is stupid...whats the point of that

  2. Simlish please?

    But this is a rather novel idea, and I think it'd be quite fun to have this in game. Though... what would the Sims use it for? Maybe when they're playing that fun video game, The Reals 3.

  3. lol, a pack of AwesomeMod would be cool too.

  4. oh god. I'm sorry, I find this too adorable. And ditto on there being an Awesomemod one.

    also for the love of fuck shut your trap ayaa. you're not even a funny troll anymore.

  5. Lol that's pretty awesome. Clever idea xD

  6. It's cool way to appreciate the hard work of modders and creators!!! Love it! :-)

  7. Be careful matthew hamming's anal lube, ayaa might sick Hans (AKA their sock puppet account) on you.

  8. This is a really cute idea. And I agree with the others, an AM pack would be great.

  9. Cute! I agree about Awesomemod -- and there ought to be a pack for NRaas Industries (Twallan's mods) too.

  10. erm who is Hans?

    We both know who Hans is. And we both know who trolls the hardest.

  11. ^And you must be feisty after putting them damn kids to bed. :}

  12. I doubt if the trolls are smart enough to be in college. A half-way house for the mentally deranged, sure.

  13. "erm who is Hans?

    We both know who Hans is. And we both know who trolls the hardest."

    I don't recall seeing anyone named Hans around.

    What exactly does that even mean "Trolls"? I've never even heard that word used as a verb. Isn't it a noun derived from Nordic Mythology?

  14. ^ Dude, I know you know what "troll" means, I remember you even used it to describe your past behavior on that day when I told you that I didn't much care for you. Get your shit together, it's not even funny anymore.

  15. ^ first off, my name is Ayaa, not that D-word. I'm not a city-bred ignorant, thank you very much. Never been in a city for more than three years.

    Second of all, are you positive that was the real me and not one of the pretenders? Granted, I've found myself slipping and using a word I've seen around used to describe something relevant to the discussion, but usually I'll stop myself before something so horrendous happens.

    Well, if I did use it, I apologise for using a word in a way I didn't know, and hope no one holds that disgusting action against me.

  16. deal with what?

    Since when is forgetfulness a lie?

  17. Your constant lying and hypocrisy.

    There's a difference between forgetting and choosing not to acknowledge your own wrong doing.

  18. Shut the fuck up kids, trolls will always be a part of this site and you can't do anything against it.

    Just make sure to feed and everything is fine.


    Ayaa you're such a douche. Seriously, you're perhaps the most immature person I've seen on this blog. I've seen PeOpLe WhO dO tHiS cOnStAnTlY, and they were more mature than you were. How old are you? 12? Seriously? If you're older than 12 you're being pathetic, if you're 12 or under GTFO. (Sorry about that "disgusting" abbreviation, but unfortunately for you, saying an abbreviation is bad is the worst idea ever proposed ever. Ever.)

  20. You're in MS3B and you don't know what a troll is? hmm ok...
