
February 27, 2011

Three Newsea Retextures by Lotus

Download at Lotus's Journal 

Newsea version here and Anubis here

File names:

Infusorian version here

File name:

Newsea version here

File names:

More at Lotus's Journal, will add tomorrow


  1. Are you all caught up on the retextures now, Joe? Lol.

    I already got some of the new retextures Lotus has done and love them in game. She's getting so awesome at it.

  2. It's Christmas... again!

    A lot more retextures on her blog than seen here.


  3. WTF beautiful model! Show me your ugly models

  4. You are just as good as nubie.

  5. Lotus, thank you. You're getting really god at this! I have one of you hairs in game and it looks great. Like both the first and the second one of these!

  6. I LOVE YOU, :) they look good, as always

  7. 95% of my hairstyles in game are retextures of Lotus. As always, great work!!! Thank you so much, Lotus!!! <3

  8. I love Lotus' retextures, but I only download the sim3pack files (I had several serious problems with the packages CC and World Adventures). So it would be great if she does both files (sim3pack and package) for each hair she retextures.

  9. ^I've been adding Sims3pack to every hair that I can but some older Newsea hair had the texture for the child and toddler linked to the adult, so I can't open the files on tsr workshop. Peggy's hairs also won't open on the workshop so I can't add the sims3pack versions. If someone knows a way to make it work, let me know and I'll add the S3P versions for all my retextures. :)

  10. "(I had several serious problems with the packages CC and World Adventures)."

    Are you talking about the blue lot shizzle? Delphy's Sims3Dashboard can show you corrupted .package CC, have you tried that?

  11. I was waiting for Innocent to be retexture by Lotus, so I could use it for my sims.
    But I wasn't expecting that Twiggy hair Infu did a long time ago. I'm happy you retexture it, cause I love the hair, but the textures weren't the best thing ever.


  12. Yay! I'm glad to see you back at MS3B Lotus! :D
    (And thanks for fixing Bacchus! ^-^)

  13. Gah, gorgeous <3

    however, the 1 think that keeps me from downloading is how much i miss the 'adjust shine' style of highlights, it just looks better on some hairs. Do you think you could post your future hairs with the option, like Anubis does? Thanks ^_^

  14. I've already subscribed to Lotus's journal because I knew she left because of all the rude anons, so I saw this wayy before it was posted here.

    I'm really happy to see that there's no trolls here today ~ Thank you very much again Lotus o.o

  15. "how much i miss the 'adjust shine' style of highlights, it just looks better on some hairs. Do you think you could post your future hairs with the option, like Anubis does? Thanks ^_^"

    I asked Lotus this before and I think she responded to me that she just doesn't have the time to do both versions. However, she was VERY nice and told me that most of these hairs come with a default adjust-shine version and it's really easy to just swap out Lotus's control for Newsea's, Peggy's, or whichever person has the adjust-shine highlights.

  16. ^^

    ah, thanks ^-^ ever thought to actually try that >.<

  17. I use Wishing Tree all the time, the retexture looks fantastic! Thank you Lotus :)

  18. "I've already subscribed to Lotus's journal because I knew she left because of all the rude anons, so I saw this wayy before it was posted here."

    Your comment makes no sense my dear. You saw it before, because Joe didn't update till later. And as far as I can tell, she's still here.
