
February 23, 2011

Vintage Women - Paintings by Ilona

Download at My Little The Sims 3 World


  1. How is the first girl in the fifth image vintage?

    Aside from that one anomally, these are quite pretty, and have been transferred from life to The Sims quite well. I guess I'm adding another extension to the art gallery...

  2. It's not an anomaly - the Sixties are vintage now. Vintage, not '20s.
    These are gorgeous. I love them.

  3. she doesn't look 60's too me, though, she looks a lot more modern...

  4. Ayaa doesn't look smart to me, though, she looks a lot more retarded.

  5. She's got the cutoff jeans, the house in the background suggests midcentury, the hair fits for the 60's. That style could be a retro look for any decade more modern, but while it's of a later vintage than the other paintings, it's still vintage. Heck, stuff from the 80's is "vintage" now.
