
March 11, 2011

Cerejas - New World by Ticiane

Download at Ticis2's Sims 3 CC


  1. This neighborhood is very pretty and well worked on. I like the shots too :) It's nice to see many new worlds being made!

  2. I disagree that its been worked on.

    I see NO terrain paint on any of the mountains or hills, the waterfall looks like its just pissing out the side of a mountain (wow, realistic), there are I think only 2 types of trees on the whole island, and there don't appear to be many lots on there.

    I certainly appreciate the effort and it's great they are giving it a go, but I think a little MORE effort could have been expended, making it a very nice little island.

  3. Yeah, I must agree about the textures or missing textures on the mountains. Looks unfinished.

  4. yeah could use more texture detail but at least it doesnt require all 20 expansions or cc. i like it for another base game world. thanks for it~

  5. does this require World adventures expansion pack?
