
March 31, 2011

More or Less, More Default Eyes and Contacts by shadowwolf5889

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. The first default set is nice. I may replace Escands eyes just to try them out. So far Escands eyes are the only really good defaults..but I'm ready to move on.

  2. ^I actually thought Aikea Guinea's defaults were better. Escand's eyes could make Sims look like they were blind in the really light blue colors.

  3. the blameless defaults look really good. I will plop them in and try them out. Currently I have the oh my eyes defaults. But these look nice and worth a shot :)

  4. I love the nameless~

  5. I like to play with more realistic-styled cc. These don't appear that much different than EA's eyes to me. The pupils are probably smaller. This is good for cartoon-style playing though, as the eyes are very defined.

    Granted, the set from lemonleaf might not be the most realistic with all the highlights and such but at least there are changes in the sclera.

  6. I downloaded Blameless set in defaults and they look really good.
    Better than escands eyes by the way. Nice work!

    @2nd anon I agree that something is a bit off with escands.

  7. Hmm, the close-ups are pretty. The last eye for the Tameless set looks exactly like my real eyes!

  8. If someone cant see the difference between these eyes and EA's eyes they're just stupid or blind.

  9. So do they show a white ring around the pupil when used on vampires?

  10. Glad some people like them ^^

    I admit they're not that realistic, yes. I don't like realistic eyes/CC in my game, so I tend to not make very realistic eyes myself.

    I just tested and yes, vampires have a white ring around the pupil with them (if this is what you mean? - Sorry, I didn't know vampire eyes did that with eyes that are smaller than EA's defaults.

  11. ^ Log in fail even though I had that option selected.

  12. I think they're realistic enough. Very pretty.

  13. - Well grab Escands eyes
    - modify them
    - ...
    - PROFIT!

  14. these are beautiful. i love them

  15. awww, they're so close to lining up right for the vamp eyes... but any white ring bothers me.

  16. So I finally got to test these eyes in my game. And I just have to say I love the blameless defaults!! I am gonna keep them for sure :) So beautiful, just so beautiful
