
March 05, 2011

Newsea Desperate Female Hairstyle

Download at The Sims Resource - Subscriber only


  1. this is really pretty could some one please post a link?

    good morning joe! you're up early!
    4 (am)

  2. This is beautiful and I was about to ask the same thing. Could anybody post a link? It would be greatly appreciated.

  3. I'm surprised lemon leaf and newseas computers haven't exploded with all the CC in their game.

  4. Hmm, I like it! It's really pretty.

    And to the anons requesting links: someone always posts the link once they get it. It's best to wait until they are cleaned first, though, so TSR can't hack/stalk the subscriber.

  5. ^^Boom goes the laptop?

  6. I know some one will post the link eventually, i just prefer to ask for it nicely...just in case some ingrate decides to post "SOME ONE POST THE (FUCKING) LINK!"


  7. shes sooo creative with her names

  8. Where are those earrings from?

  9. The earrings are probably from a chinese site, such as duowan (which is incredibly hard to register at) or TSR.

  10. So Newsea watches desperate house wives? How low can a male go...

  11. So if ti is from Desperate Housewives .... which ?

  12. nice hair! earrings look like the ones from vitasims.

  13. You people are STILL trying to attach meanings to Newsea's hair names? I figured by now, everyone had just accepted that these hairs are named completely at random.

    Anyway, this is a lovely hair. It actually looks okay on children as well. Definitely not for toddlers though.

    I might not be able to download it, though. My launcher is finally getting to the point where it's not downloading some Sims3pack files. Might have to do with there being 700+ individual files in there...

  14. Randomly? I don't think so with this hair when the actor is from desperate house wives and the hair is called desperate. Doesn't sound random.

  15. i wish someone post a link too ~___~

  16. Eva Longoria is the lady in the corner in the first pic who is on desperate housewives. i didnt even see the name of the hair til now. am i oblivious or what?!


    Why not just call it the Longoria? lol

  17. Ahhh....I so love this !!! Thank you ;D

  18. EH? That's Eva?

    It's a terrible picture of her. Does that allow me some room for forgiveness?

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. terrible picture of her because it's not photoshopped like most of actor/actres pictures you see. And bad lightning

  21. This is awesome!!!

  22. Bara no Mitsukai, there have to be a problem with your launcher, has nothing to do with the number of files in your download folder. I have 1813 files in mine and still can use the launcher. Have you updated fully?

    The hair is okay, but I am tired of the side swept look. Hopefully something new will come out.

  23. ^You must have a great-ass computer to have that many cc. I only have ten and it lags alot lol..

  24. Bara, why don't you just rip the packages out of the sims3packs you can't get installed? No need to do without. Also if you wait, Lotus will probably *hopefully* retexture this, and then it will alreadly be in a package for you.

    I love this hair it is so beautiful. I was shocked when I scrolled down and saw it. :)

  25. There are so many homophobes here.

  26. Anonymous said...

    ^You must have a great-ass computer to have that many cc. I only have ten and it lags alot lol..

    If this wasn't a new computer, I would have major lag too.

    I think I should uninstall some it though.

  27. I love it! :O

    @peoplewhoaretalkingaboutdownloadsintheirgame: I have 1400 downloads and my game still works great :3

  28. yea you say your game runs great but do you play with the graphics maxed out without lag?
    if so?
    that makes a great computer. not the ability to hold 1400 cc files.

  29. Newsea been on a roll it seems with her recent hair.

  30. I thought they called it "desperate" because Eva just got a divorce, took me a second to remember she was on Desperate Housewives XD

    This looks nice but way too glamorous for an everyday Sim. Good for a formal hair though.

  31. 'There are so many homophobes here.'

    WTF are you talking about?

  32. Aww nobody posted a link. Darn. I really wanted this.

  33. "So Newsea watches desperate house wives? How low can a male go..."

    I assumed he called Newsea somewhat "gay" because he watches the show, I don't really know. But I assumed whoever said that was pretty judgemental.

  34. I can't wait until they put this on Psmbd

  35. "yea you say your game runs great but do you play with the graphics maxed out without lag?
    if so?
    that makes a great computer. not the ability to hold 1400 cc files."

    yes i do...

  36. @jeremy wow awesome!

    ok well ill check through out the day for a link

  37. Finally a newsea hair that doesn't look like butt.

  38. I assumed he called Newsea somewhat "gay" because he watches the show, I don't really know. But I assumed whoever said that was pretty judgemental.

    - lol I didn't call him a gay, dont assume that, I called him a whimpish or girly guy. Or just the fact that why would a guy watch a show like that.

  39. 'I assumed he called Newsea somewhat "gay" because he watches the show, I don't really know. But I assumed whoever said that was pretty judgemental.'

    You know what happens when you assume...

  40. This is SUCH a gorgeous hair :) <3

  41. If you've ever watched Abc then you'd know that Eva Longoria plays on desperate housewives... the commercials are everywhere!

    It's an alright hair,sort of weird looking :/

  42. sounds hilarious when reading: "Desperate child/toddler" hahah poor kids.

  43. perfect prom hair for my teen sim. cant wait for the link

  44. eh newsea probably is gay.

  45. ^ That or, if Newsea is a guy, he's the sort that likes the way a woman looks with certain hairstyles. If a guy draws all women, does that mean he prefers men?

    As for CC- my game lagged until I used Granthes's Custom Launcher. Just make sure you sort through your files first and then back them up- you can idea the combined files, but it takes a while for them to load up.

    Managing package files has been a dream since I used it, and I have the option of leaving things like hack files, or new CC out until I test it in game. V2 will come out soon, and it'll run even smoother.

  46. ^ edit, not idea

  47. plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz someone put a linkkkkkkkkkk!

  48. put this up on the bootay!

  49. anyone can share it ? thanks ^^

  50. yeah... instead of talking about fast graphical computers owned... why not put link to it.....

  51. that's not a bad picture of her.

  52. plz i absoluty need this hair and i am poor so i cant buy it plz share a free link if you bought ittttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt

  53. " assumed he called Newsea somewhat "gay" because he watches the show, I don't really know. But I assumed whoever said that was pretty judgemental.

    - lol I didn't call him a gay, dont assume that, I called him a whimpish or girly guy. Or just the fact that why would a guy watch a show like that."

    OH, okay. So instead of making a homophobic statement, you just made an equally moronic statement based upon outdated gender stereotypes.

    That's totally okay, nothing wrong with that at all.

    Anyway, the hair is very nice, but I also had trouble recognising Eva in that picture. I'm not comparing to photoshopped pictures either, but how she looks on the show. It's rather amazing how lighting can make someone unrecognisable.

    And this looks terrible on toddlers, but then again, most NEWSEA and Peggy hair does.

  54. Why is it called Desperate? This is a lovely hair lol

  55. "Why is it called Desperate? This is a lovely hair lol"

    It's called desperate because it was inspired by a desperate housewife (TV show) star.

  56. its called desperate coz she desperatley needs to get to a toilet and squirt in it

  57. Here's the link:

  58. Omg thank you sooo much! I was just about to lose hope! Saved by the link!:-)


  60. Thank you for the link :)

  61. omg........may god bless you ^______^

  62. thanks a lot, you are so nice thank you :)

  63. Thanks for the link, love ya!!!
