
March 05, 2011

Peggy 645 Retexture by Robodl95

Download at Look It's a Plumbob Over My Head

Peggy version here and Lotus here

File names:

Robodl95_ Peggy 645 Child
Robodl95_ Peggy 645 Toddler
Robodl95_Peggy 645 Adult

Robodl95_ Peggy 645 Child Shine
Robodl95_ Peggy 645 Toddler Shine
Robodl95_Peggy 645 Adult Shine


  1. I wonder why you wanted to do this even though Lotus already retextured it. Though I admit you did a great job.

  2. I honestly didn't know that Lotus did it already -_- I don't download there too frequently. Sorry! Still different textures will please different folks :)

  3. Why does the toddler in the fourth picture look like Hilary Clinton wrinkles and all?

  4. ^ true ! it doesnt go unappreciated!

  5. Which eyebrows do you use on the kids Robodl?

  6. i dont like your retexturing leave it to Lotus.

  7. This is lovely, Rob :) Your best work yet. Thank you for sharing <3

  8. What skin are those?

  9. I'm just curious, do you just steal Anubis's textures and call them your own?

    I find it odd that a couple weeks after he started offering adjusted shine, YOU started offering it too.

  10. Wow what is this? The bash robodl post??

    If you have an issue with him address it to him in private. No need to tear him a new one.

  11. Yes, Robodl95, how dare you not ask our permission to retexture a hair!!!

    .... Just kidding. So what if you retexture a hair someone else did? It's not like there's a hivemind going on between all the hair creator/retexturers. It adds a choice.

    To those who complain about the same hairs getting retextured: it was so much worse in Sims 2. You had to have a separate instance for each color you wanted, on top of hairs being retextured. It was a nightmare compared to this.

  12. I know right! I can totally see the arm and knees of that toddler...

  13. I'm just curious, do you just steal Anubis's textures and call them your own?

    I find it odd that a couple weeks after he started offering adjusted shine, YOU started offering it too


    first of all, anubis doens't have any textures, he uses pooklet texture.
    second, anubis started doing both controls because awt started doing that as well, so then one steal the idea from other? it's not like that, stop bashing creators it's stupid and you would not win anything, just make another creator want to leave.

  14. Because Lotus retextured a hair no one else can? lol!


  15. Thank you, this looks great! :)

  16. "Because Lotus retextured a hair no one else can? lol!


    Exactly. At least Anubis and Rob actually fix Peggy's mistakes.

    Lotus's retextures are nice and all, but with Peggy's borked meshes, it's like putting lipstick on a pig. What good is an awesome texture if all the flaws of Peggy's hair still remain?

  17. Can someone clear me out, like what had peggy done wrong with this hair that it needed to be fixed? Just want to know so I wont do that when making hairs.

  18. You can't fix Peggy's borked meshes unless you reconvert them, and I don't see anything fixed on this particular mesh. So yes, I'd rather my pig with lipstick please.

  19. "Can someone clear me out, like what had peggy done wrong with this hair that it needed to be fixed? Just want to know so I wont do that when making hairs."

    Well, Peggy's textures give black roots on light coloured hair and imho her hairs look oily.

    Also a lot of her hairs have massive head syndrome.

  20. I love Robodl! <3 Ignore these peoples, you're a pleasure to have at MS3B (: I raid your blawg all the timee

  21. Still has a bald spot

  22. ^ That can't be fixed -.-.

  23. "I'm just curious, do you just steal Anubis's textures and call them your own?

    I find it odd that a couple weeks after he started offering adjusted shine, YOU started offering it too"

    1. I do not make textures, I have never ever claimed to, my textures suck! The textures I use are a mix of Cazy, Pooklet and Anubis's.
    2. Many people did adjust-shine before Anubis started. A couple days ago Anubis explained how he does his shine highlights (color your speculator green) and so I wanted to experiment.

    "Can someone clear me out, like what had peggy done wrong with this hair that it needed to be fixed? Just want to know so I wont do that when making hairs."

    Use comments from an EA mesh, make sure it starts with 7. Peggy's hairs use the wrong ones and so they move with the eye slider. Peggy also creates extremely bloated files with unnecessary textures. And with any hairs longer then the head (not a problem here) her bone assignments are TERRIBLE! And every now and then she'll have some random transparency or balding issue.

    "Which eyebrows do you use on the kids Robodl?"
    Subaxi I think? Toddlers have EA.

    thanks guys :)

  24. ^ And thanks to you for explaining what you fixed, so now I understand why the eyelash size makes odd effect on the hair sometimes. She makes that sloppy work and makes them pay hairs! my god Peggy you are a failure of a person.

  25. ^I'm confused. The post just says retexture, it doesn't say anything about fixing anything. So rob did you just retexture it or did you fix all that stuff in that list you just made?

  26. No no no no no! That's just a list of general peggy-problems, fixing peggy hairs requires reconverting it which is something that no one wants to be doing for every hair!
