
April 05, 2011

Animated Nostalgic Carrousel by hexameter

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. Oh my god, if we could ride on it, my dreams would come true. :D Thank you so much!

  2. It's so awesome the creator got a proper animation woking for it to spin around. I'd love for sims to ride on it but for deco purposes it's pretty good :)

  3. Hekate (@ MTS if you know her) has done some similar stuff for the medieval project that we're working on. She made an animated waterwheel and windmill, she explained to me that you have to clone a clock (because the hands move around in a circle) I think that's pretty neat. Great work :)

  4. Thank you!
    Maybe if the Pets EP is real and the horse part is real sims will be able to ride these if the animation is added to the object. Hopefully it works even though my graphics drive sucks!

  5. A amusement park EP/SP would be awesomeness. Or if our talented creators could create one with usable rides!
    This is a great start and really cool.

  6. Wow! This is amazing! What a wonderful job! I love modthesims, they always have such creative things!

  7. This is amazing! Seriously, I am in awe of it. I really appreciate the time and hard work it took to make this animated!

    Thank you so much!

  8. Woah! That is wild :D Clever stuff!

  9. Causes extreme lag in the game. Avoid.

  10. I needed this so much for my Santa Monica Pier! Please, more :) (Ferris Wheel!)
