
April 12, 2011

Medieval Skins Converted by Araenna

Download at Garden of Shadows

Default & Non-Default

Thanks, Scepter:)


  1. Woah! Did *not* see this one coming.

    Nothing extravagantly special.. but very 'Sim'-y. ;D

  2. I don't see much difference in the molding of the face and features, just different color. Still think EA needs to code more features in face sculpting.

  3. Shame that the skins haven't translated that well.
    They don't look as nice in TS3 as they do in TSM. But cool anyways, I'll give them a go :D

  4. She just used the textures of the TSM skins, that's why.
    TS3 and TSM don't share the same "skull" model. It's different.

  5. It looks horrible for the sims 3, too bad EA didn't use the same heads.

  6. Those sims are hideous. Also, faalq, AKA,Joshua, AKA wintertine, I always thought you were a girl til i saw you started commenting her and I saw your profile.

  7. These are actually really gorgeous in-game. I would take some preview shots but my game keeps crashing if I set my 3D quality to high. I love these skins :)

  8. ^ pics or gtfo, I wanna see.

  9. "faalq said...

    She just used the textures of the TSM skins, that's why.
    TS3 and TSM don't share the same "skull" model. It's different."
    I move it around so that they matched the skull. The skins for TSM are more like the ones for TS2 as far as layout goes, just a different size (1024x1024 like in TS3). All I did was move around the eyes and such and re-size where I had to so that they would fit. I also had to edit the eyes a bit. Otherwise, I didn't do any changes to the texture. Also, I didn't bother making super pretty model sims for the preview, just used the ones I made to play with. Shows off the skin either way *shrug*

  10. Araenna, I hope you didn't take my comment as an attack. I was just saying that there wasn't any difference with the sims' "skull" because it's just the skin, not the mesh or whatever TSM is using for the heads.
    I read the inconvenient you had to make this skin functional and I appreciate your work.

  11. I did not knew such thing was possible to convert!

  12. actually AWT have the medieval face files on his blog, and he states that they are indeed different from the original game.

  13. faalq, you did attack her, that's exactly how I read it, too. I think what you're doing is back tracking to save face since you do those sims 3 videos. I also think you were the anon who was bashing some other creators poses because of how their hands looked, same writing style and because they said that they are still working on poses and aren't going to release theirs til they're perfect which is what you have said on your own blog as well... Hmmm


  15. ^ reminds me of m.calero skin from a while back!

  16. wut? The main reason I created this blog was to comment without hiding my identity and also to share the stuff I create if necessary. I have very little experience on CC creating and I am still practising this custom poses thingie, I can't judge anyone here.

    Also if you are talking about this comment:

    'I don't want to sound like a bitch but why do people ignore modifying the hands? They take all the "natural" look of the pose.

    I'm just another guy trying to make custom poses too, but I try to make them as natural as possible. I modify every single finger if it's necessary. Take a look at your hand when it is relaxed, it's never that stiff'

    I wasn't being rude to the creator. I'm leaving.

  17. Don't worry, faalq, it wasn't a personal attack. People are picky here. I too have been very offended by things said here. But it's no reason to leave.

  18. I knew that converting the skins would be a huge undertaking...

    FOR THOSE THAT DON'T HAVE THE GAME: Not only are the heads different, the sliders are as well. TSM doesn't have a dark to light slider so there are several variances of skin colors. There are something like 12 dots, I think? (I'm not in game to confirm.) I'm sure the skins were made to look good on those color dots only. TS3 also doesn't have a face detail slider (freckles/five o'clock shadow). So whomever converts is stuck either making a skin without details, making a skin with some details like this one here, or giving us a lot of face make up overlays to compensate for the lack of a slider.

    It's hard work with the limitations is all I'm sayin'.

    Either way, this is a valiant effort on Araenna's behalf. Thanks so much! I'll try these out in my game the next time I play.

  19. This is nice. I might get the non-defaults... I don't really like how all Sims get freckles on TSM skins.

  20. I think these look better than the base game skins. I think the freckles are cute, sometimes they make the sim look more real because no one's face is perfectly smooth. I for one have pretty big pores, at least on my nose. I'm pretty self-conscious about it. not that they're the same as freckles but in the first pic you might be able to say those are acne scars and pores instead of freckles, even though that's gross. Thanks for converting, I'm sure you did the best job you could on the conversion.

  21. Those are lovely in game! It's the kind of skin I love playing my sims with, very soft and pretty.
    Wonderful job.

  22. Well, great skin.. and - if I can made a suggestion/request - please, let be avaible a version without freckles.

    thank you :)


  23. Thanks for this Areanna! I may check it out, but I really think these would be gorgeous as a blend base.

  24. do the bodies work? Because the Medieval bodies, since you almost NEVER saw them, were extremely blurry and undetailed. I assume these are the same and that's why you didn't bother to post body pictures?

  25. Shivar: I did post body pictures, they just aren't super close ups or anything, because they look like a lighter version of TS3 for the most part.
    I didn't take it as an attack, falq, don't worry about it. I misunderstood what you said slightly was all.
    Unfortunately, I used the least freckled version of the skin to make these. I could go through and unfreckle them, maybe, but honestly I don't think that would work out too well.

  26. Very plain.

    After checking them out in-game, I agree. Ugh.

  27. Thanks Shyne for the in game pic.

  28. "faalq, you did attack her, that's exactly how I read it, too."

    Bullshit. You are either trolling or just being sensitive.

  29. My boyfriend needs to log out of things when he uses my computer. >.< Yeah, they are pretty plain, because they're just conversions of the TSM skins. I didn't really do anything else to them. However, I don't care if people want to use them in skinblends and stuff like that, or mix/match the faces with other bodies.
