
April 09, 2011

Model Pose Pack - Poses for cmomoney's Pose Player by traelia

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. need Czech and Brasilian modelpose.. xD

  2. I love the third pose, the other two look kind of awkward. But holy crap Traelia is on fire! I hope she makes some sexy male poses soon :)

  3. Geez one person posts poses, now everybody does it.

    Why is it all the sudden such a big deal?

  4. @Anon
    Because custom poses weren't possible before. Now because of cmomoney's Pose Player it is.

  5. Cause it wasn't possible before.... I can't believe that for so long I hear "why no poses in TS3!?!" and then someone figures it out and you people get sick of them already....

  6. Only stupid people are tired of poses. Personally I love them. I just love to dress up sims like dollies and take snapshots. If you dont well screw you.

  7. I never said i was tired of them, I just asked why they were so popular all the sudden. But if somebody made them possible now then thats good.

  8. it's probably cuz they are easy to make compared to other cc, I can't help but be tired of these poses, to me it seems just like repeat poses what with all the same model poses. Don't get me wrong all the poses so far are looking gorgeous including this one, but i do hope someone will make different poses that i can use in stories and videos (like the depression poses) and not just for modelling.

    A huge problem with these custom poses coming out is remembering the names, I can only hope the pose player is updated so we have a list of poses in game, also I hope the pp is updated so it plays looping animations.

  9. Just don't complain when your game gets messed up. It's glitchy enough.

  10. ^Stfu. I have no glitches, before or after the poses. Argh!!!

  11. "I can only hope the pose player is updated so we have a list of poses in game"

    While this sounds nice, it would be too much upkeep for the creator of the pose player. He'd have to keep track of all the poses and with so many coming out now, it would have to be updated every single day. It's much less work on the creator for us to write down a list of our poses in Notepad and just type them in than having a creator be responsible for implementing every custom pose that may come out...especially since some may not be that great or may be glitchy anyway.

  12. *Gouges eyes out*

  13. ^ no i meant that i hope that in the next version of pp it would show the list of poses installed in game and we could choose from the list, like in nraas animator how we can choose the animation from the list of animations that have been installed.

  14. "*Gouges eyes out*"

    If it bothers you so much why even take the time to comment?

  15. love the one on the right

  16. the hand-on-hip pose is the only one id want

  17. those fingers look odd...

  18. I know everyone's now masturbating over poses because "IT'S SO SHINEY" "IT'S SO NEW", but seriously they just look like spam to me now. There are, in less than a week, so many new and similar poses that are usually mediocre at best. While yes, poses are new, and people do need new poses, it doesn't detract from poses being one of the most boring pieces of custom content, seeing as only the people who release pictures of their game really need them.

    Now attack me for going against your flawless opinion.

    The end.

  19. Poses are one thing. Making animations takes talent.

  20. For Christ's sake, it's all of A sudden.
