
April 03, 2011

More Clothing for Adult Females by Precious Sims

Download at Precious Sims


  1. her sims always have the most precious baby faces

  2. And the most precious photoskinned clothes

  3. dont confuse baby faces for pudding faces.. theres a big difference

  4. im just saying they always have a perpetual teenaged look about them. probably the big eyes and button noses

  5. I agree, her sims do have such precious baby faces. I really like the one with dark hair in the bottom pic. She doesn't look like the other sims out there. I like her alot.

  6. I like the faces too, why should precious have to conform to making sims that look a certain way? as for the clothes you're improving a lot, some constructive criticism; try to draw the textures yourself by hand, don't google images and paste that onto the texture, it may take longer to do hand painting but for the end result it's worth it :) After that you could try making your own meshes instead of using EA clothing meshes.

  7. Where do you learn meshing? And I dont know how you hand pain texture.I appreciate all the help I can get.Thanks :D
