
April 13, 2011

New Swimwear for Adult Females by Pyszny

Download at Pyszny Design


  1. Painted-on swimsuit that makes no sense.

  2. So it's painted on, does that really matter, I mean in gameplay when you are playing the sims 3 do you really notice if it's skin tight or if there's a tiny little crease of a seam showing? I mean seriously, who even lets their sims swim a whole lot, there's so much other much more fun stuff to do.

  3. ^^yes, it does matter. Because if I'm going to add something to my game, I don't want tons of crap that will slow it down. Is it so bad that we want quality stuff in our games so it looks realistic?

  4. "What do you mean?"

    Sorry, but I think they mean that the textures look like paint instead of fabric. The edges are very abrupt, and there is no natural shading at all. It's not a bad idea and it could be improved, but right now it looks like it's painted on instead of being worn as clothing.

  5. Actually it is realistic, swimsuits for women are skintight irl. I like this.

  6. It's not so much the painted-on texture that is a concern, but that the swimsuit looks unfortunately very unrealistic because the design in real life would not stay up. The collar, if it were as loose as shown in the back view and not tighter behind her neck, would cause the parts covering her breasts to fall off. The chains are too loose to provide structural support, and even if they weren't meant to, the swimsuit's design still doesn't work. I'm not saying Sim clothes HAVE to be structurally sound, but the issues here are so distracting that the design, to me, is really unappealing. Sassy SIM though.
