
April 11, 2011

Poses Set 2 by Pammie

Download at Studio Star Girls


  1. the thrid is so great

  2. All of these are good. =)
    So downloading. <3

  3. The gaga poses looks amazing

  4. the first one had so much potential if only she were doing something different with her hand other than throwing a peace sign, i mean wtf???


  6. so these poses are all poses gaga itself invented, then, and no one in the universe has ever done these poses before it?

    I won't download these for that reason alone.

  7. in some poses the hands are looking strange.. ouch!

  8. so these poses are all poses gaga itself invented, then, and no one in the universe has ever done these poses before it?

    What the fuck am I reading.

  9. I like the idea, I just think that the result is a little ridged.

  10. I like these. on another note does anyone know what hair that is in gaga 7? It looks familiar but I don't know the name.

  11. I want that Disco Stick! Where can I get it?

  12. "so these poses are all poses gaga itself invented, then, and no one in the universe has ever done these poses before it?

    What the fuck am I reading."

    A failure at sarcasm, I think.

  13. "I like these. on another note does anyone know what hair that is in gaga 7? It looks familiar but I don't know the name."

    It's "Lady" by NewSea.


    Thank you for your well thought out opinion. I for one am thrilled to read it.

  14. Keep GAGA out of Sims!!!

  15. omg love these GAGA ^^

  16. I got really excited when I saw these but then I saw that my discostick and hood was used which I have not shared with anyone from the site so I want to contact the owner of the site because I dont know how the hell they have managed to get my Discostcik and hood!!! I spent ages meshing them to be released on my site, but now im not because of leaking my stuff

  17. Anyone know where the shirt the model in the sixth pose is wearing?

  18. "Anyone know where the shirt the model in the sixth pose is wearing?"

    It's from AAS, I believe.

    "Lady GaGa sucks!!! why would I want my sims doing some stupid satanic poses. Give me a break. Now the sim world have to be tainted with this "celebrity" bull...."

    Satanic poses? LOL. Give me a break. You don't have to downloaded these, no one is forcing you too, if you're scared of the illuminati bull go and hide under a rock and stop polluting the internet with your stupid.

    "Keep GAGA out of Sims!!!"

    The number of exlaimation marks is the same as the poster above you, and you come with the same message. You look suspiciously like the same person. Regardless, some people obviously like her and these poses, stop dictating what people can have, it makes you look silly.

  19. I don't like Gaga. But I also don't give a crap.

    More importantly, some of these poses are really good. Some of them are just awkward and too stylistic to get much use. I'd give the more casual ones an A+ and the really dramatic ones...more like a C. Well done, but not useful for me. (Yes, I know that "grading" this might seem insulting and I don't mean it like that, just pointing out that for me, variability and useability count as much as general quality.)

    I'm so glad to see a few new poses with natural-looking facial positions.

  20. The number of exlaimation marks is the same as the poster above you, and you come with the same message. You look suspiciously like the same person. Regardless, some people obviously like her and these poses, stop dictating what people can have, it makes you look silly.

    Umm Mr. N.C.I.DUMBASS I wrote the "Leave Gaga out of Sims"comment not the other ones. Try a little harder at observations and maybe they might be correct. Does it bother you that there is more than one person who dislike GAGA? STHU!!!!and!
