
May 27, 2011

New ***Trial*** Comment System

OK more updates on the new comments...

I've emailed ID about the comments disappearing from the front page and I'm just waiting for their response.

I got the comments to display on the main page through ID.  Comments now open in a new tab.  You can still click the title if you like the look of the other more.  Still playing around with everything... end of update for now:)

Both comments enabled is not going to work.  I'll just leave the new system on for a day or two and see what happens. You can just click the title of each post to get to the comments page.  I'll keep this close to the top until I figure out whether or not the new comments are here to stay.

I'm Not crazy about some things and love other things.  The main problem I have is how the comments display with IE.  They overlap and just look bad but I never use IE and haven't updated it in so long it just could be on my end.  Firefox works perfectly but I will not keep this if others have problems with IE.

This is the first post with the new comment system, so try it out and let me know what you think.  All the old comments will remain as they are and you can still comment using the blogger system.  To update the old comments to the new service would hide all of the old comments and that's not an option.

Anyway, some are going to hate this, some will like it, but for now I'm just trying something new.

Some of the good things about the new system is the rating system, replies and top comments.  Then there's the  forum style commenting, so no popup comments window. :(  I'll look more into that if it's possible.

You don't have to register for anything and can just comment as usual.  You can sign in to blogger, etc., with OpenID.  As for Anonymous comments, I tried leaving a comment using another browser and was asked to fill out the name/email/optional website form once, but the second time was not asked for anything and it posted as Anonymous.

Anyway, I'm craving cherries, so I'll post this now and check back to see what you think in an hour or so.

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