
September 17, 2012

Party Rank System by Zerbu

By default, you throw a party and when over it gets scored as great, average or lame, but other than a few wishes this is just a one-time event. With this mod, each sim has a ranking system of 0-10. The party rank is determined by the number of great parties the sim has thrown in the ratio of great parties to lame parties, whereas average parties have no effect, and it is possible to go down a rank. Sims will also get a custom "Party Rank Up" or "Party Rank Down" moodlet when their party rank changes, and the strength of the moodlet will increase depending on how high the rank the sim has risen to or dropped from is. Also, whenever a party is over, a notification will appear that shows how many great, average and lame parties the host has thrown. These statistics are permanent, so be sure not to throw lame parties if you don't want a blotch on the sim's record.

Read more and download at Mod The Sims

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