
July 13, 2013

Sims Body Essentials: A Complete Set of Body Sliders by leWing

The sliders are:
1. Mid Ear Point
2. Upper Nasal Bridge
3. Neck (3, packaged as one): Size, Counterweight, Tapering
4. Arm: Shoulder Thickness
5. Arm: Bicep (2) - Frontal/Lateral
6. Arm: Forearm (2) - Frontal Lateral
7. Hands: Jasumi's Finger Girth ... enabled for both genders. Completely her creation! I included it so that it can be used in conjunction with the Hand Size for both genders (Finger Girth + Hand Size = longer fingers).
8. Hands: Hand Size (an alteration of Jasumi's finger girth to provide the perception of larger hands)
9: Hands: Wrists (2) - Frontal/Lateral
10. Leg: Thigh (2) - Frontal/Lateral
11. Leg: Calf (2) - Frontal/Lateral
12. Leg: Achille's Tendon (you know how there's a curve to your heel from your calf? Yeah, that)
13. Feet: Foot (Height//Length)---\ (Should be used
14. Feet: Foot (Length//Width)----/ used together)
15. Feet: Toe Length
16. Feet: Toe Thickness
17. Feet: Toe Size (basically, combination of length and thickness. Is that repetitive?)

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