
September 20, 2013

Final Fantasy VII SOLDIER Career by OtakuFan17

Ever looked at your Final Fantasy VII sim and thought, "Man, I wish I had a SOLDIER career for these guys."

Look no further! (than your local military base rabbithole)

Please note, if you do not already know this you will need to download and install NRaas Careers mod found here. For immersion/roleplay purposes I also recommend downloading a SOLDIER outfit here and Cloud's outfit here. If you want even more Final Fantasy VII awesomeness, be sure to download the Zack Fair Sim I'm using as a model, created by DarkWitchVampire and found here. Hell download all of the SOLDIER Sims there, they're pretty damn cool!

Level 1: Private, Third Class
Description: Inspired by propaganda and rumours, you have decided to join the Shin-Ra company's military division. Have fun in the Security Department.
Base Pay: $50 per hour
Pension Pay: $70 per hour
Hours: 5 am to 3 pm, Monday to Friday

Level 2: Private, Second Class
Description: With no real need for the military, Shin-Ra has everyone doing battle training. Keep building those muscles, and before long those simulations will be a snap!
Base Pay: $60 per hour
Pension Pay: $80 per hour
Hours: 6 am to 4 pm, Monday to Friday

Level 3: Private, First Class
Description: Training has moved on to sparring sessions with SOLDIER. Your fellow operatives seem to dislike the SOLDIER, but something about them seems very attractive to you. Maybe one day you can join them.
Base Pay: $75 per hour
Pension Pay: $90 per hour
Hours: 7 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday

Level 4: Corporal
Description: Further training sessions with SOLDIER have only served to increase your desire to join them, so you've submitted an application to be transferred. In the meantime, you've been selected to test weapons for Shin-Ra. Don't get distracted.
Base Pay: $90 per hour
Pension Pay: $110 per hour
Hours: 8 am to 6 pm, Monday to Friday

Read more and download at

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