
October 02, 2013

The Business as Unusual Bistro Set by ani

The Business as Unusual Bistro Set
We all wanted open restaurants in TS3, and what EA delivered was not really satisfying, so I decided to tweak EA's creation a bit.

There are two objects, menu and oven. Do not mix and match with EA's version, just use mine in one restaurant, and EA's in another.

Changes to EA's version:
- The biggest change is that I split the chef job into two parts, chef and waiter.
- Instead of hiering a chef, and selecting from pre-defined number of hours, you create shifts. I'll explain shifts in it's own section.
- Instead of your sim looking like a dead puppet while waiting for their food, I replaced this with sims drinking water from a glass, just like in TS2
- Childrean can use this mod too. They won't be animated unfortuantely when ordering/Waiting for their food but they will chat with other sims sitting at the table.
- The list for the "Set menu choices" interaction has been changed to a dual panel menu. I find this much easier to plan the menu, than to have all the foods in one list and scrolling through them all. Also, the menu will remember what foods were selected previously, so you don't have to start from scratch.
- You no longer select the quality of the chef. I set this value to the max because it only seemed to effect the foods you see. Now you will see all the foods avaialbe.
- The hours of operating, are no longer tied to the lot's opening hours.

Read more and download at

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