
November 09, 2013

Fortune Teller Text Alteration by Menaceman44

I've had this in my own game now pretty much since Supernatural came out so I thought it was about time I shared it.

What this mod does is alter the text on the two options presented when a Sim has a fortune told. They now relate to the options presented in the text piece describing the gypsy's actions during the reading.
So instead of having the options to "Donate [cash amount]" or "Leave", which don't relate to anything mentioned, you will now have the options to "Continue For [cash amount]" or "Form Prediction".

A small change but one that makes a big difference to me. Maybe you will find it useful as well.

This mod was made with game version 1.50 and still functions without issue in all patch levels since.
This mod alters the STBL with instance 0x00F259960A9C2AF1. Any other mods which also alter this file will conflict.

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