
August 18, 2014

Most Viewed - Subway Train Station


  1. OH WOW ! Amazing ! Good job here. What I need now is a great bus stop.

  2. Wow! What a bold and succesful initiative! *clap hands*

  3. very cool indeed!!!

  4. Oh wow, I love this!

  5. "ufailedatlife said...
    OH WOW ! Amazing ! Good job here. What I need now is a great bus stop."

    Claeric has a bus stop at his blog, but idk if it will be to your liking or not.

    Anyway, this stuff is awesome! Thanks!

  6. 3 bus stops available at,com_jdownloads/Itemid,28/task,,1113/

  7. I hope someone builds a nice grungy subway station with these. I'm building skills aren't good enough :/

  8. Oh my god. This is so fantastic, we really need a Manhattan now with the statue of liberty and a good underground subway.

  9. ^Thanks so much!

  10. We missed you, Miley Troll.

  11. A whole new world just opened up for my suicidal and homeless sims.

  12. OT, but is anyone else having trouble getting on the Booty?

    Ugh, Pescado has been under attack for like a week. Last week at times the page just wouldn't load, but now I'm getting this message: "This site has temporarily exceeded its connection limit. Please try again in a few minutes." That's been going on all day. Yesterday seemed to have been ok, though.

  13. grillcheesesammichJuly 5, 2010 at 7:04 PM

    I'm getting the same msg on the booty atm. Maybe it's not ddos attack on this one, maybe the site just really has exceeded its connection limit?

  14. The TSR fuckers must be really pissed that even adding trackers doesn't prevent PMBD from being updated...and now it seems to be updated faster than ever with TSR stuff. For instance, Cemre released the second part of her Mojito set yesterday and it was up on the Booty already early today.

    Why don't they just give up? They will never get rid of the CC there and they need to get over the fact that other people can get their shinies for free.

  15. "maybe the site just really has exceeded its connection limit?"

    My guess is TSR antics. I remember (at least) once before that they tried to download so much from the Booty in a desperate attempt to make it crash.

  16. "Oh my god. This is so fantastic, we really need a Manhattan now with the statue of liberty and a good underground subway."

    ^ Didn't someone just upload a Statue of Liberty on mod the sims? Or did I just pop my back and release the stored LSD from high school again?

  17. grillcheesesammichJuly 5, 2010 at 10:01 PM

    haha -I think they were referring to that very statue release. Not on MTS though, it's from Luna Sims Lulamai Flashbacks can be fun.

  18. would have been better to see it displayed/built together

  19. Yeah, it's a DDOS attack. Undoubtedly somebody pro-paysite behind it. I wouldn't be surprised if is someone from TSR, they've pulled plenty of shady stunts like it before.

  20. This creator has a bus stop and a gas station too. Here

  21. I wonder if TSR realizes that when they pull stunts like this, people are spurred on to share more.
