
September 29, 2014

Toddler Fun Tweaks + Boast About Grandchildren Age Unlock by MontigoLegacy

 Less Annoying Playpen Use

Sims will not autonomously place toddlers in nor will take them out UNLESS they have a reason to such as play with them, snuggle them or whatever.
When 2 toddlers are places in the pen, they will almost always play together, building a friendship quickly.
Strangers when on community lots will not bother your sim’s child when they are placed in the pen.

MORE Toddler rides

Sims will let toddlers ride the spring rider more often than default settings.
Sims with Family Oriented, Nurturing, and Childish traits will let toddlers ride more
Sims with the Dislike Children trait will avoid letting a toddler ride. It seems only natural.

Less Rock With Me, More Play With Me

Toddlers will use the “rock with me” interaction less.
Toddlers that use “play with me” interaction will always be answered by another toddler if one is around of course.

Fun With Teddy

Toddlers and children with teddy bears will play with them autonomous. Originally they wouldn’t unless directed to do so.

Better Swinging

Babies and toddlers will not feel queasy while swinging.
The swing is less spammy.
Sims will not autonomously change the speed.
Sims will not take the child out the swing without a reason.

Boast About Grandchildren available for Young Adults & Adults

In my legacy stories, genies, fairies and vampires do not age. It would be nice for my immortals to boast about their grandchildren to others although they still look 21. Now they can and I decided to share this mod as well.

Read more and download at MontigoLegacy

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