
August 08, 2009

CoolSims 2 to Sims 3 Conversion by ailivina V2

UPDATED September 1 - Version 3 added here

This is version 2 of this conversion posted yesterday. Some people had problems with the other and I hope that this one will work for them.

Download coolsimsfhair32 by ailivina

File name: coolsimsfhair32_alivina_v2


  1. this doesnt work for me either T.T

  2. quite flat looking in game, almost paper thing from side view..

  3. hair at the back cuts into the shoulders when the sim is moving

  4. It looks all wrong in the game.
    Just a fringe and sort of see through length hairs. Needs fixing.

  5. It`s messed up still..
    Thanks though..

  6. I can't decide if I want to keep the original or this one. I think this one is much sharper, as the other is a little blurry.

  7. it s so werd in game this hair, I will try to put the other one but i dont know

  8. MS3B, did you delete all your cache's, because i think that retextures everything in the game and that's why it works. that might be why, but i am not 100% sure.

  9. I have, actually. I forget what I did that required them to be deleted. Hopefully, that's it.

  10. I tried deleting all my cache's, it didn't work entirely but it was better than before. Another question, how high are your graphics on the game. Because there is a graphic option and the higher it is, the more detail. So that might be it as well.

  11. i'm so sad that it doesn't work... i really wanted to create a lady gaga sims with this hairstyle =[

  12. Hmmm. This is so tricky. Maybe it's the kind of computer, idk. ahhhh i just want that hairstyle. :/

  13. I couldn't get either version to work in my game and my graphics card is outstanding. It's a great hair style too. I was looking forward to using it.

  14. totally gaga hair that still doesn't work properly

  15. I can´t get this hair to work. I´ve tried both versions and also deleted the cache. I give up.

  16. this dang thing doesn't work, I just wanna know W.H.Y?!

  17. I would love shorter cut of the hair slightly above the shoulders. This way chic and elegant. My favourite looks of disco era. Please anyone could make this happen?

  18. OMG! It works now. I am going to tell you what I did and maybe it might work for you too. Go to your sims3 folder in your documents and delete simcompositercache. This will make all the graphics better and will not ruin your game. It will make this hair work. Trust me. Or if you are not sure. Save the simcompositercache in a different folder that is not affiliated with the sims3 at all.

  19. OMG:) that's great!

    I'm glad you finally got it to work for you. And I can back up what greeneyed_babe says about deleting the cache will not ruin your game. As soon as you start your game, new ones will automatically replace what you deleted.

  20. I have every single setting in my game on high/very high and this hair still isnt very nice..its too thin..the lengths of the hair are so thin theyre almost transparent from side view.

  21. Who else thinks everyone is lying and this doesn't work at all?

  22. All pictures are taken in my game, so it really does work for some.
