
August 06, 2009

Spectre- PeggyG MHair010 Edit for The Sims 3

Download this at Garden Of Shadows. It's for both male and female Sims and can be used for teen through elder.

File names:



  1. eww at first I thought the pigtail looked cute on the girl until I saw the shaved part on the back, wtf?

  2. That's the whole point of the hair. It's an alternative style. Look at the site it's from, moron.

  3. eww I know why do the alternative losers try to force there misery and nasty style on others, wtf? I will keep my game happy not ugly.

  4. Don't worry, there will always be peggy's hobag hooker hair to balance out the pool.

  5. I agree with the first comment. I thought it looked good at first until I saw the back. That ruined it! I am alternative and even I hate it!!!

  6. Oh my god. O_O
    Some people are such idiots. It's YOUR choice to download it or not, you know.

    Some people like a certain style, some people don't; it's called a DIFFERING OPINION. Learn to live with it. Not everyone thinks exactly the same way as you do, and likes exactly the same things.

    Personally, I prefer my Sims to be different. I'd put an punk rocker together with a preppy cheerleader to see how it turns out. I give all my sims interesting personalities and traits and looks. If you want your game to be perfectly and wonderfully BLAND, be my guest. :D

    P.S. I think this hair has really good texturing and the mesh is unique and very well done. Kudos to the creator. :)

  7. Rose donation sets 2 and 3 now available at sims cave

  8. this is awesome work!

  9. I love this hair! We need more weird hairstyles. I can't get enough of this, I love it! To the people who don't like it...that's totally cool. Just don't call it ugly, because if you think this is ugly, you have not seen anything ugly. At least it isnt a mullet, right?
    And even if it were, it would probably be awesome in some aspect. Odd sims FTW.

  10. I'd love this if it weren't shaven off ... anybody know a nice full ponytail for males?

  11. can anyone upload this because gos is down and i lost all my downloads. :(
