
September 26, 2009

Everything will be added in a bit

Alright, everything is finished for now. All the links were added earlier and I forgot to hit publish on this update before I left. Anyway, this is the look for now. I'm working on a banner to replace the one that came with this template so the header is empty for now.

Also I've been categorizing things a little bit better, like "Paintings and Posters" - "Clutter Objects" etc. So until those are finished (probably by Monday) make sure to click the generic "objects" label to see the older posts I haven't got to yet.


  1. Okay! By the way i luv your blog. I come here everyday to check up on the latest sims 3 things. Also i love how we can leave comments saying anything we want, w/out site owners and such getting upset.

  2. :: { Oh! the new blog template is incredible, even the ads look great and that's saying something ;) I love how organized everything seems to be. No hurries on getting the links up, you've already accomplished tons in X amount of minutes } ::

  3. I love this new layout.. The old was good too - it is pretty simple - , but this one is even neater.

  4. i love the new layout :):)

  5. Looks beautyful:-)I like it more than the old one!

  6. The layout itself is a great improvement over the old one, however I'm not crazy about the color. For my taste, it's just a little too bland. Again though A+ in any regard because your Blog is great.

  7. I'm glad you like it. I'm not really crazy about the link colors, so after I get everything else finished, I'll probably change the link color, post header (maybe) and add a header where the original one was for this template.

  8. Beh... the colours are...
    Beh... some green or blue... is ok

  9. Yay! New template! <3

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  11. This layout is SEXY! The colours are relaxed and far more proffessional, different from all that "In your face" - childish crap - kudos to you!

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  13. Your opinion on how unprofessional you think the site is will never overide my opinion on how professional I think the site is. Simple as.

    Also I'd prefer to be one a professional looking site, rather than one that looks like it is made by a five year old - the game itself does not have to be professional in order to have a representing website that is professional - also notice how I said "MORE" professional - in comparison to the last layout. So calm down with the unnecessary analysis.

  14. Also bare in mind my first post were not in response to yours, I just happened to type after you - I've only just read your first post now and it looks like I replied to it.

  15. I vastly preferred the old layout. I don't like the excess of beige on this one. :/

  16. Cool! love the new look! i was even more p[leased that u have added the labels n links..Thanks a million MS3B!!!! :DDD

  17. Hey stop bickering over senseless stuff.. professional or not is that really important? did u guys come here to argue over how this blog is suppose to look? or is that up to the blog owner? I think how this blog should look depends on the owner or whatever ways MS3B wants it to look.. not on some other people arguing over professionalism.. Anyway the main reason i come to this blog is coz it has the most up-to-date, usefull n fantastic stuff..and am really puzzled why people would squabble about the blog layouts.. Take it or leave it..simple as that..

  18. Personally i don't think the majority would care about the "way too much space between the title and the light colored middle column" or "even way too much space between the title and the light colored middle column" don't people normally scroll down to see whats new?instead of scrutinizing the blog to check for insignificant flaws n such..

  19. Personally i don't think the majority would care about the "way too much space between the title and the light colored middle column" or even "The font of the title doesn't compliment the the overall font of the blog" don't people normally scroll down to see whats new?instead of scrutinizing the blog to check for insignificant flaws n such..

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  22. What logic is that? I don't have to be a follwer to be a fan or whaever.. and whats a REAL fan? please explain yourself since u said that.. my opinion might not matter.. But why should i 'STFU'? Just becoz u say so? look who's throwing their weight around and acting like a imature kid.. spewing vulgarities left and right..

  23. The blog functions just as well as the old one. So, whatever artistic changes you make are fine with me. Keep up the good work, this site is a necessity in my book.

  24. I like the new look. Keep up the great work, MS3B. I come here everyday.

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  27. I love the new look and rating system.

    Since I found it, I don´t have to go checking all sims pages for updates. Plus here´s the best stuff, and so up to date!! IT´S PERFECT. Thanks to you I was able to reorganize my hairs!! I can´t thank you enough for that.
    About the new look, I like that you have reorganized some stuff and I like the colors too. So, congratulations on your great work and, most of all, THANK YOU!

  29. 'For every one post I make I get two from you. THAT's how influential I am.' You measure how influential you are by counting post? Genius. Very clever.

    'but I HATE the colors'
    'the Anonymous and randoms couldn't accept anything different from theirs.' by hating the colour aren't you showing an example of not accepting anything different from others? Honestly i don't take anyone who calls themself ROYAL (when they're obviously not) seriously.. It just shows that they have a bighead..and it's not called's called disllusioned..which is a very sad thing if you ask me..

    "i'm influential!"

  30. Thanks for visiting my blog. =)

  31. Speaking to your imaginery followers again.

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  33. 2nd time you claimed you're gone or going, we all know you'll be back. Saddo.

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