
September 02, 2009

Stylist Sims Hair 01

This is for females and is available at Stylist Sims.

File name: stylist_sims_hair_01_female


  1. this is xm sims not stylist sims

  2. I don't even have to enlarge the photo to see the spaces. WOW.

  3. I like the style in concept. The gaps don't look TOO noticeable in-game, although it defintely needs work nonetheless. Still, it helps to test something out before making a judgement that's worth anything.

    And @ two posts above: If this is literally the ugliest hair you've seen yet, you must've been born yesterday.

  4. ive seen worse but stylist sims need to stick to clothing, but i cant imagine how hard it is to make custom hair, so A for effort ...again lol

  5. Very stylish and edgy I love it!

  6. yeah i dont understand why they bothered... i dont like the xm version either..

  7. this hair is definitely not one to talk about but it can be improved

  8. I have to wonder if those so critical of almost every hair here can create their own hair for Sims 3. I would love to see it. The blog owner really should require registration. I have a feeling people would be more constructive in their criticism if they could not be anonymous.

  9. Yes, start by chopping off the croissant at the top and jesus the front is too much!

  10. I LOVE IT!
    Nobody be nasty to Sytlist Sims!
    It's my favourite site. :)

  11. Laura -

    You don't have to be able to make CC hair to be a critic, just like you don't have to be an artist to critique paintings, a director to review movies, etc, although I do wholeheartedly agree some of the critism on the hairstyles are unfair.

    Back on topic, this hair in concept is nice, but I'm not quite sure I understand or like the streak-things running down and across the front of her face ...

  12. Too true, too true^

  13. You don't have to like it, but you don't have to comment it.

    I see many ugly stuff around the community but I don't send the creator a bashing email that your stuff is ugly it's shit and go to hell. I simply don't download it.

    You are not cool because you can make people sad.

    By the way I've seen better hairs than this, but it's a nice first attempt.

  14. Tried it, but, deleted..

  15. I don't see anyone here sending the creator a bashing email. We're commenting on the hair itself. Honestly, to tell people what they should and should not do regarding the Sims game is just silly. You'll always get those who love something, and you'll get those who don't, and you'll always get a few not so nice or ignorant ones who'll simply call it the first thing that comes to mind. Really nothing that can be done about that. :/

    Personally, I think the style does not look good. I can't see my sims wearing that, and I could not picture a person wearing their hair like that either. The mesh doesn't look /horrible/ to me, not even really sloppy, the style just looks odd, imo.

  16. Looks like a huge, hairy starfish is trying to eat this sim's head.

  17. It looks like the intentions were good but somewhere along the way all hope was lost.
