
September 15, 2009

UPDATED - Rose 94 Updated by Savio and a Preview Hair

You can download the first hair at Savio's blog. He has updated the previous conversion, so if you could not download the donation or just want this version then go here to download.

File name: Rose94_Savio-1.1b

And this one has been added so go here to download

File name: Rose179-SpecialGift02_Savio-1.0


  1. Wow i like the second one :D It reminds me of Trish from DMC :D Talking 'bout Trish , what happend to Cazy's Trish hair D:

  2. I hope someone will convert first hair edited by selzi because, it's too long !

  3. Could you please link to it? I may create a new hair with this edit.. :)
