
October 24, 2009

41 Posters by Moryrie

Download these posters at Garden Of Shadows


  1. Posters are cool and all...but I wish more people would make them without specific movie/music themes, just cool pictures. A few of these are nice, but I don't want a bunch of Resident Evil crap in my game. I know, I can just go without downloading and that's what I'll do. But I still wish more creators would think of that.

  2. These are great, I love them.

    Thank you :)

  3. @ 1st Anon.

    A bunch of people just do, 'Cool Pictures' (Look at Sims Art Gallery for starters) .. No one had done these, and I wanted these for MY game, because no one had covered the poster art that I considered awesome for movies I happen to like. I know some people will only download stuff in Simlish, because of immersion or something, but I wasn't interested in that, because then I may feel compelled to teach myself Simlish, which isn't something I need to be doing. I considered not sharing at all, but a few people convinced me that they wanted them too, so I shared. Posters are really easy to make, so I suggest you learn to do it yourself, because, the ONLY way you're going to get exactly what YOU want is to make it yourself. Not trying to be mean, but it's the truth. I'm not a major creator either. Posters are All I've learned how to do.

    @2nd anon, I'm glad someone likes them.
