
October 29, 2009

Updated - 7 New Hair Retextures by Missbonbon

Download these 7 retextures by Missbonbon. I will add the links to the other versions in a bit, in case you want to remove them and add these to your game.

File name: Bon_Peggyfh0030_elegantpony

Other versions here, here and here

File name: Bon_V_warE_donnahair

Other version here

File name: Bon_Rose_donationhair24_longwithbangs

Other version here

File name: Bon_Nouklolita

Other version here

File name: Bon_Peggyfh0041_sidecurl

Other versions here, here, here and here

File name: Bon_Peggyfh0026_elegantbraid

Other version here

File name: Bon_XM_Flora_0017

Other version here


  1. Oh goodie the last texture looks much better.

  2. the model has a huge nose,

  3. The file for the 'elegantbraid' does seem to be corrupt. Probably just needs to be re-RARed. Love it though, hope it's fixed soon!

  4. Ha, the second one STILL looks like it's made of snakes. I guess even a better texture can't save it.

  5. EXCUSE ME but XMSIMS specifically said not to convert her hair!

  6. it's not converting the hair it called RETEXTURING- you make it sound like she's an ignorant theif

  7. LOL ^^ @ last 2 anons. :D

    Thanks to MissBonBon for the great re-textures. Need to visit GOS anyway.

  8. What ages are these hairs for? I already have different versions of some of them, but I would switch to these if they are for children. There's really not enough hairs for children out there right now, in my opinion.

  9. ^ Excuse you? What? Did you have something to say?

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. "EXCUSE ME but XMSIMS specifically said not to convert her hair!"

    A) These aren't conversions.
    B) Ignoring creators' distribution policies might not be the best way to make friends, but it's not illegal. The EULA for TS3 specifically states that any creator's content can be altered by anyone who sees fit to do so. Just so you know. But, again, these aren't conversions. ;)

  12. "EXCUSE ME but XMSIMS specifically said not to convert her hair!"

    Actually, it's not a conversion. It's a retexture. There is a HUGE difference. Not to mention even if it was a conversion, Xm sims is a PAYSITE. I don't understand why Peggy's tou is okay to be broken by some, but not XM's Tou.

  13. I think most people put XMSIMS in a different category than Peggy because so few of their items are pay and they haven't made any pay stuff in quite a long time, as far as I know, while Peggy releases tons and tons of pay content on a regular basis. Yes, they are a paysite...but it's easy to forget that.

    After all, even Numenor has made it into the Booty, and he was the TS2 modfather, the darling of MTS.

  14. Missbonbon posted up an alternative (and working) link for Elegant Braid. :)

  15. Whatever face default is used it looks absolutely horrible. The shadowing is way too dark, and they all look like they have 'staches. Also, the shading on the pigtails looks weird and stripy.

  16. So... nobody knows what ages these hairs are for? :(

    I don't want to download just to end up disappointedly removing them.

  17. I like the third and sixth one a lot.
