
October 28, 2009

A Plea from Anonymous and Teddy Bear Mafia

If anyone could convert any/some/all of these hairs, you would make two people (and I'm sure more) very happy:)


  1. I have been asking all over the community for the afro knots, the curl ponytail, and happy braids, so I would also be in the number of those that would so appreciate it.

    I don't think ethnic hair is worth it for most creators, cause lets face it, they are the talent and don't want to see it in the community. So we are in the minority in this community and I guess have to learn how to do it for ourselves. Heck I would love someone would convert Peggy's side, crinkled ponytail with the braids on the side, since anything ethnic may be out of the question for artist.

    I do know a true talent in the african-american simmer communities that is trying to get her mojo into creating hair, as they did in Sims 2. I am so depending on her cause most of the others in our community are not interested in Sims 3. Bummer.

    Good luck in getting someone interested in doing this. I want the benefits too. :)

  2. Ima try to convert 2 and 5

  3. Agreed. And, I would also like to throw in the following conversion suggestions:

  4. omg thats soo sweet of you to make a post of it! Thank you!!
    (i stay anonymous most of the time because i tend to have stage fright lol, i am shy)

  5. hideous hairs :S

    please convert cuter ones please!

  6. Anon above me, you can just pass on them when and if they are converted, just as I do when I see hideous hair. KTHX!

    I don't think it will be done so don't worry about it.

  7. Just chiming in here with my support for this request. At the moment TS3 is sorely in need of more ethnic hairstyles. Any of those listed would really help to fill the current void.

    Also for the guys, does anyone know what ever happened with the male hairs that nextor_torres previewed on GOS 2 month ago? ( There was never any update and he hasn't responded to questions in the thread.

  8. Yes Yes Yes!! I would love to see these and more ethnic hairstyles in my game. The first and last one I love the most.


  10. Me too!!!! We are truly lacking ethnic hair! It's a shame because you can't truly make an ethnic sim and have to use long hair or straight hair or the stand by 'ugh' hair that ea 'blessed' us with. As for the anon stating the hair is stated...don't download it...pass...problem solved!!! Or is it you just have a problem with a request for 'ethnic' hair. Underlying perhaps....

    Don't know...just a feeling I got when I read your comment!!

  11. Yes! PLEASE convert the 3rd one for males! I missed that one :(

  12. These hairs are absolutely gorgeous. I would love it if they were converted from the Sims 2 so I could use them in the Sims 3.

  13. YES PLEASE!! I don't really create any ethnic sims because of lack of personalization in hairs, for example. I would like to have some afros and djfhdjg yes all of those hairs would be so awesome to have!

    I want to make an african sim but never get around doing it because all the hairs are so fantasy/cutesy like :/ Which would be ok, but i want more diversity <3

  14. YES! Less flowy shiny anime crap and more THIS! My black sims either have to have unnatural straight hair or ugly EA hair, and I think they deserve better!!

  15. KraziKatLadi, I am with you on that. I hate when creators promise something then never follow through. Wish he never showed those hairs.

    Agreeing with anon above me. I am not into anime at all and tired of the long flowy straight hairs the majority seem to love. I download the short cuts cause they look descent for my afro-american sims, but I hate the "perm" look. We had so many choices for sims like me in TS2, but we are forgotten or forced to use the fugly stuff EA made.

    I am trying to get my sistas to play and create for my urban sims in Sims 3, but it is a hard fight. They still love Sims 2.

  16. I have to say nouk is the creator with the best ethnic styles out there for ts2 and as she is back creating again on sailfin sims it might be worth asking there if she has any plans to create more of the same for ts3 ^^

    Ethnic hairstyles are sorely needed and just because a couple of people don't like these particular ones doesn't mean there isn't a massive player base that does. :)

  17. omgg i love love LOVE the first one and last 3. i hope they're coverted soon! I love Nouk's hairs.

  18. Thank you for bringing attention to and requesting ethnic and curly styled hair.

    I'd like to request these two as well:

    Nouk's own haircut

    Flower Bun

  19. I agree with everyone that the Sims 3 community needs more ethnic hair. Especially the ones listed in the blog, which would be greatly appreciated. However, I am not as appreciative of comments from people talking about how they're tired of "straight" or "crap anime" hair. Asian people have straight hair. Since most of the converters have been of Asian descent, they've created mostly straight hair or Anime hair. They're merely creating their own ethnic and cultural hairstyles. Please be more discerning in your posts as these comments 'can' be taken as a form of racism by individuals. To others, such as myself, these comments are rude and insensitive especially in light of the hard work that these converters do to bring new hairstyles to the Sims 3 community.

  20. these are great hairs, espicially the curly pony tail. someone please convert them :]

  21. More ethic hair would be AMAZING. I have relaxed hair myself, but I believe natural hairsytles are gorgeous and would love some on some of my sims. These styles are wonderful.

    I also agree with Eve in saying that the whole "crap anime hair" comments and others like it aren't really needed, though.

  22. I'd love to have those hairs converted. I'd do it myself, except i'm horrible at converting hair. to confusing for me.

  23. O Woooow! This cool! MS3Blog person....we need more of these little plea thingys. We Need MORE MORE MORE Nouk's hairs converted.

  24. why cant some people convert some emo or scene hair!?

  25. ^ I hope you're being sarcastic. A TON of emo/scene hairs have been converted already.

  26. But but but, creators have so much to do! There are probably three or four ridiculous anime haircuts they haven't made, yet! And who makes BROWN Sims, amirite? YUCK!


    If anyone cares and is listening, please, please, please consider converting these hairs as well...

    The dreads at Garden of Shadows have a bandanna that is weirdly shiny and ugly, and the original creator has completely flaked out on his own promise to convert them.

    I just want decent hair for my non-white Sims. Please help.

  27. Oh come on, guys. The whole "LOL ANIMU HAIRZZ" thing is getting really old.

    I agree in saying more ethnic hair should be created, but it's stupid to mock the hairs currently being created.

    What current TS3 creator would want to create some requested hairs when they're basically being accused of not caring about black sims since they don't create ethnic hair?

  28. i miss all the them and desperately need them for my families. Please somebody re-create these!

  29. About the comments on the anime and straight hairs, what is the problem? There are loads of those types of hair for the sims 3. Nobody is being racist, cause what power do I have? None. Have to own power to be racist. What a unthoughtful comment.

    Yes, I am tired of that type of style and want something new. If they are all asian, then that is good for them that they do the types of creations they like, I don't have to like it and don't download it.

    We are pleading to simmers who have the talent and want to do ethnic type hairs. If you are an artist that don't, okay.

    Don't go calling racist cause you have no idea what having racism directed at you is totally about. Now I am through with this subject.

  30. It's stupid to mock Rikku hair and massive, floating, ass-length ponytails that will see little realistic use, while an entire segment of humanity is routinely ignored in favor of it.

    I see your point now. Thanks for the input.

    As for most creators not caring, you're right, what a silly accusation. It only took... what, two years for the hairs I linked to make their way into Sims 2?

    The one widely used dreadlock mesh isn't even fan-made, Maxis put it in an expansion.

    If it walks waddles like a duck, looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck...

  31. To add to the spam, I also love the first one and the last three :D

  32. I like the first hair.

  33. If someone converted these hairs that would be absolutely awesome.

  34. That would be awesome! I used those hairs all the time in TS2.It would be amazing to use them in TS3!!:) Thanks for posting this MS3B!

  35. I'll willfully admit I was wrong with my last comment and that they are ignoring comments for ethnic hair, but they are also ignoring a larger group's requests for more "manlier" hair. It probably isn't an issue of racism. It's more of an issue of just ignoring everyone.

    The only way to get a lot of the major creators (Newsea, Peggy, Rose, etc. etc.) to listen to the views of the larger community is to get people to stop paying for their creations. I don't think this will ever happen since they already have devoted fanbases who will willfully pay for anything they create. Ah well.

    B, please don't throw that "YOU DON'T KNOW ABOUT TRUE RACISM!!!!" stuff at me. I'm a black woman who lives in a region that has one of the highest concentrations of white supremacy groups. I know what being blatantly discriminated against feels like. (If you weren't talking to me with this, then I apologize.)

  36. Nicole, did you call my statements racist? Since you are afro-american, I wouldn't expect you to do that. No, I was not directing the comment to you.

    Didn't want to get pulled back into this. I would be so happy if artists like Pookah, Geezy, and others whom created for urban sims in Sims 2. I miss my waves for the males.

    Oh, and why I am not doing it? I don't have the talent, and recognized that when I did infant hair on my sim infants in Sims 2. My hairs looked matted. o_O

    So I know I must get a true artist. :)

  37. Rofl, heating arguments sparked under this post, we didn't see that coming ...

  38. So I think we've all concluded that people will definitely download converted ethnic hair. now, can we get someone to actually do the converting?

  39. I didn't accuse you of saying anything that was racist, B. I'm also sorry if I'm making anyone angry in these comments. I'm having a bad day and I think I started taking out my anger on everyone.

    I also have a question for people who have tried their hands at creating. Is it harder to convert ethnic hairs than most straight styles? I wanted to try my hand at converting some hairs and I wanted to see if I needed to try converting some straighter styles first to get my skills up.

  40. Thank you MS3B!! Your so awesome for posting this.I really appreciate it. You actually have made my day.

  41. Harder to convert? If anything, afro and a puffhawk like these ---

    --- Would be easier than the over-sculpted swirls of Peggy hairs.

    Most content creators just don't care to do it. It is not racism either, it is indoctrination. How often is hair like this depicted as attractive or desirable? People want pretty simmies, a lifetime of conditioning has told them this hair is not pretty. Turn on the TV and see what I mean.

  42. Im not a creator( I only convert clothes) but i imagine if one were to use the bald headed hair from ingame (lol can you call that hair still")as a base mesh it could be pretty simple.The difficult part would be the color channels.

    I might try it out, finally got milk shape working again.

    (Can we not argue about why it hasn't already been done, what beauty is portrayed as and what not? Might scare away someone who actually might consider doing it.Just a suggestion, remember its just pixels and in the end we can't make anyone do anything against their will.)

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. These hairs would be great!!! I'm biracial and a few more "ethnic" hairs wouldn't hurt at all

    all of nouk hairs should be converted to honour such talent!

    I miss Nouk so much!

  46. Throwing in my YES for ethnic hair. Variety is the spice of life!

  47. I'd LOVE to see Happy Braids and Afro Knots, particularly.

  48. Hey, I am white and I am tired of all the long hair and the straight hair. I want some curly, kinky, braided hair too! I also want some hair for "real men" instead of these floppy, feminine styles.

    I think many creators are young women who watch too much TV and they create what they want to see on their own sims..which of course, is the motivation to create something for free! I apologize to the older women and guys who make hair..but you are probably the ones that make the good styles!

    Now..hope we see some ethnic hair soon. I have a daughter who has curly ethnic hair and I can't even make her in Sims 3.

  49. Only assuming that Caucasian people are racist is ignorant. Only assuming that black people are being persecuted by racism is also ignorant. Racism is whenever you feel that something about another culture is stupid or retarded and that your culture is better than theirs. You don't have to own power and you don't have to be white or black. Sitting here and writing that kind of shit is the reason why there's still racism today. Call me names but it's the damn truth.

  50. Perhaps use a different word than ethnic? It kinda has an implication that many ethnic people have that kind of hair. ;[

  51. "Only assuming that Caucasian people are racist is ignorant. Only assuming that black people are being persecuted by racism is also ignorant."


    "Racism is whenever you feel that something about another culture is stupid or retarded and that your culture is better than theirs."

    Actually, the most long-lating and insidious racism, the kind that really sticks around from generation to generation, is often not born out of a sense of superiority or outright hatred, but a lack of understanding and/or's prejudice, pure and simple. It is just as racist to assume that "all black people do this and all white people do that" (whether those assumptions are of a positive nature or a negative one, like "black people are good at sports"...hey, that's not negative, but it's still racist) as it is to assume that white culture is somehow better than black, or vice versa. It's not always an issue of perceived superiority.

    "Perhaps use a different word than ethnic? It kinda has an implication that many ethnic people have that kind of hair. ;["

    No matter what word is used, *someone* is going to be offended: if we say "ethnic" then all the ethnicities that don't have kinky/curly hair might be annoyed (hell, *most* ethnicities don't have kinky hair...including the many Caucasian ethnicities, since not all white people are one and the same. If we say "African hair" then all those non-Africans who have kinky hair might be offended that they are being left out. If we say "African-American hair," then that leaves out the African-Africans, not to mention people from the Caribbean or any of the many other places worldwide where people of African decent live in large numbers. Where I come from, "black" would be the least controversial term to use (my own family is Italian, black and Hawaiian), but in some places and to some people, "black" is still a somewhat sensitive term.

    So, yeah: "ethnic" is a very broad-based term that encompasses more types of hair than it is meant to actually describe...but since there's really no way to avoid offending absolutely *everyone*, it's a fairly safe term to use. After all, it *is* ethnic hair: it just happens to be a specific *type* of ethnic hair.

  52. I cant believe my request has turned into a debate (sort of),

    I am biracial and just want(ed) some more coarse and curly hair for my biracial (yes half black half white) sims like i had in sims 2.

    If some one creates this stuff great, if not...i'll live. Lol.

    Nouk is back for TS3 so hopefully she can convert more hairs.

    But we will see.

    I would hope that since EA is creating World Adventures and part of the expansion pack is indeed set in Africa (Where else would Egypt be located), i hope to see more diverse hair type, but from the screenshots ive seen of the game i can only ...dream...


  53. I'd convert them if I could, I downloaded Milkshape before but it's a bit confusing....I think I'll download it again and have another look.

    It's so hard getting into making custom content for the sims 3. You ask anyone and they say they don't know.....even the people you know who know how to do it say they "don't know" or "not much is known about making custom content".

    Yeah right, nobody can be bothered helping anyone that's the real story :(

    I guess I'll just have to struggle on my own until something clicks :/

  54. @ Katana: I guess ethnic would be best term. I guess I just got annoyed by that Chinese comment. =[

    And Hawaiian? I live in Hawaii =P

  55. omg i miss the sims 2

  56. I'm always in favor of more hairstyles. But if were requesting, then I'd like to suggest the following:

    Selphie FFVII - Hair [] or PeggyHair #004842 - Female []

    XMS Flora MeshHair022 []

    XMS Flora MeshHair081 []

    maxistraum_haar_22.rar [] (hair section, page 4 middle) image: []

    Peggyhair #005626 - Female []

    PeggyHair #003426 - Female [] but more like this []

    All these have ribbons and bows which I'd like to see more done in in the hair with accessory section. As for ethnic hair, XMSims has a ton of traditional Asian hair I wouldn't mind seeing.

  57. I forgot to mention that I'd love to see these hair converted.

  58. It would be really awesome to have these and ALL various styles of hair converted. I say more of any styles and ethnicity the better.

  59. I'd just like actual regular hairs created. For african-americans, asians, caucasians, any race. Right now, it feels like the only hairs that are being created are ones I, personally, would never even think about having in my lifetime. It's either anime, or ridiculous braids that would take two years to complete, or poofy 80's haircuts. Please, just give us something people would actually wear & be proud of!

  60. I would like to see the fourth one for the sims 3 because it will be useful both as an ethnic hair and it also would look good on my curly haired white sims
    I could use it for both

  61. ^ I hope you're being sarcastic. A TON of emo/scene hairs have been converted already.

    Please tell me a website of those scene/emo hairs. I am getting upset over it. I cant find decent looking emo/scene hair that id actually wear in real life. Please && Thank You!
