
October 27, 2009

Chinese Ink - Another Donation Hair at Newsea

Another donation hair available for both genders at Newsea



  1. Hmmmm... I actually like this hair, but I can see that many people will not.

  2. I like the hair as well.. though I don't like that they're using TSR's workshop now.

  3. I like the hair but I'm not paying for it.

  4. I donated once, and.. if you've played around with the pirated versions floating around, you'll notice that often the hair has this... weird.. crinkley effect. Because of that, I won't donate again. x.X ... I ended up tossing all the hairs I'd gotten (it was a 5 pack deal) ... and instead using other people's conversions. Bosie's version of the Lithium hair, Cazy's version of Fox, and Savio's version of sister. They're all superior, and it's quite sad that they did so much better than Newsea.

  5. I actually think this looks better on men than women xD To me, it looks like it was designed for that kind of effeminate manga-style man, and got converted for females.

  6. the side/back view reminds mi of legolas from lotr

  7. I've noticed the weird crinkling as well. It looks bad, and it's quite distinctive. I wonder why they don't fix it.

  8. ooh I like - curse you 'donation' arrrggg

  9. Who says you 'have' to pay for it? I'm waiting on a few trusty sites to share. :D

  10. Why oh why do alot of designers want their sim men to look like they just came out of a final fantasy game?

    The hair is nice but, I would like to see some shorter men's hairstyles.

  11. WHAT
    that is donation
    its not good enough to pay for it!!
