
October 23, 2009

Body Language Set by SIMcredible Designs

Download this at SIMcredible Designs.

Set includes the Dumbbells Rack, Weights Rack, Pilates Ball, Shelve, Exercise Mat, Step, Poster, Trampoline and Weights


  1. cool.. but the bodybuilder woman spoil it for me..

  2. Um so just don't install the poster file. The set is posted as individual files so you only downlode the items you want. I chose the two racks, the ball and the free weights as decoration. It looks awesome to me and will be great to decorate the gym!

  3. Yeah, I often test everything I download- just determine what file is what by opening a package explorer like Postal, looking at the image files within, and/or determining where they are by the item they were cloned from/their price range by looking at the Object Key and the CT Product Object (in the Catalog Commons window).

  4. I love it! I've always said there needs to be more gym-oriented objects.

    I will however agree on the poster; it sticks out like a sore thumb. Certainly could've used more of a "sims" look, or in other words, not a picture of a woman from our world.

  5. omg! can u use the stuff?

  6. Everything is good apart from the poster, it kind of ruins it >.<

  7. This stuff looks really good..but I think it would annoy me too much that my gym going sims can't use them....

  8. This is awesome!!

    Altho I agree on the poster.. But the rest looks great!

  9. SIMcredible always had the most amazing sets, i used sooo much of their sims 2 content before my game crashed from downloading a mod.

  10. I really like this, it'll help the gyms look a lot less empty and silly. The one in sunset valley has, what? A pool, a dance room, 2 treadmills and 2 weightlifting machines? The kitchen area is bigger than the workout areas lol.

    Great set, stupid poster...but whatever, I just won't install that part.

  11. youre right this would go great in the community gym. love it for that

  12. Just a warning, I know this is old, but this set causes blue lots on new games (1.6.9+).
    You have to use Delphy's Blue Lots Program to fix it.

  13. Delphy's dashboard keeps telling me these files are corrupted. So I don't know if that's the whole blue lot issue or what but they look nice so I wish I could use them, but I'm not tech savvy enough to use them without borking my game.
