
October 29, 2009

FREE! Clock Tower Build Set by Cyclonesue

Download at The Sims Resource


  1. This looks neat. Unfortunately, I don't trust TSR, so I won't even dl their content from the booty. Shame.

  2. ^ I don't trust TSR either. However, I did download these. So far, nothing bad has happened (besides my computer imploding on itself from all the CC...)

  3. I was so surprised she uploaded this for free. I really want this so I can make a clock tower in Central Park.

  4. Ooooh I love this! This will look fantastic on community lots. I really like Cyclonesue's stuff. Too bad it's TSR, but I'm willing to brave their files occasionally for content of this caliber.

  5. Could someone clue me in about TSR. I use a lot of their content and my computer is over protected (no warnings on downloads, scans etc.)... I've never had a problem with any of their stuff.
