
October 14, 2009

Fu Manchu Style Goatee by EsmeraldaF

Download this for teen - elder and both genders at Mod The Sims


  1. Thank GOODNESS they made it for the ladies...

  2. I'd much rather have it as a facial hair for men only, but if you read the MTS post, she sort of explains why she chose to do it this way. Personally, I don't need a beard for my females so I won't be downloading it, but it's a shame it's not a real beard because it looks nice.

  3. haha AWESOME!!!!! Now I can make a butch biker lady XD

  4. Can't tell you how hard I lol'ed when I saw the goatee on the ladies. XD

  5. Haha! Well, some of us ladies *do* have trouble with facial hair, especially as we age! Ever see those wax strips for above the lip?

  6. Haha that's sexy XD

  7. Hi, this is the creator here! Thank you for posting this and thanks to those who like it.

    @Katana, it IS a real beard. Also, it's not really intended for females, I just left the Category enabled for Female as it already was (as it's categorised under Blush), just for a bit of silly fun! You don't have to use it for females if you don't want to!


  8. You don't download it, because it's ALSO for females? You don't have to use it for females! Sometimes human stupidity is overwhelming....

  9. it's kind of round looking
