
October 24, 2009

Hair Fashionista 3 by Ulker

Download at The Sims Resource - Subscriber only item


  1. Perfect, like the other 2. Wish it were for free : \

  2. I hope someone uploads to PMBD soon!!

    P.S. Does anyone know where her top is from, that's really cute!

  3. Does anybody know where can i get this for free?

  4. Those hairs are actually really good. (Its amazing that they're from TSR)
    I can't wait until this is on booty.

  5. wowwww love it :)
    pay? ughhh

  6. I'm in love with the top too, so I too would love to know where to get it (if it's even "downloadable"). Have my suspicions that Ulker made it and have not uploaded it - to make it unique. But what do I know.
    Cute hair anyway, hoping it will be up on a free site sometime soon. :)

  7. There are a few really talented artist there, but I am not paying money for their work. It is not all that at least not for my hard to come by money.

  8. there is a top that looks like it in

  9. One of the prettiest hairs I have seen for Sims 3 and its original too! Can't wait to see it in the game.

  10. "and I thought TSR usually made shit"

    It does, but there are a few talented people there (amongst the many thousands of untalented people) who actually create quality things. Unfortunately, many of them sell their souls to Thomass for the ability to sell their pixels.

  11. Its so sad to see such a creative artist sucked into the Abyss of TSR.

  12. I would imagine that this top will show up at TSR as the artist makes pretty cute clothing, to bad its pay.

  13. The top is from a Lianna Sims donation pack but you can download for free from either SimsCave or from PMBD...I can't remember which one I found it at.

  14. Oh yah cute hair too....can't wait to get it for free somewhere.

    flip through the pages... You have to register, use the google translator. These are the only hair that no need to be "paied" (to understand you have to read through the forum)...

  16. Sounds like a puzzle, lol. If you survive the labyrinth you can download the hair...

  17. ...Better idea, you download 'em since you know the drill & then re-upload them for the rest of us. That sounds a lot simpler!!

  18. If anyone figures out that chinese site - PLEASE upload this somewhere for the rest of us, I've been trying for over a 1/2 hour to navigate that site back and forth with Google translator and it's a b*tch and a 1/2 and I haven't gotten anywhere!

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  21. Okey, I have been staring myself blind on various homepages for this top which is said to be a Liana top. However, I find it nowhere in combination with her name. Please, can someone post a link?

  22. Ack, what a bitter dissapointment... It is NOT A TOP but a dress. Such a shame considered that the upper half is absolutely adorable, but as a dress - not so much, no. From expectations about this top being my favorite in the game so far, it went down to "not worth downloading" for me. Shame!
    Here's the link to the dress for the currious:

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Upload to a file-sharer like mediafire or depositfiles or even 4shared. One that nobody has to register for - many here are tired of having to register for this site & that site. Your page on that site is hidden to the unregistered. Uploading to one of those file-sharers would be SO much quicker & easier for all concerned...

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. ..also publishing your name page at TS3 provides anyone from TSR reading these comments with evidence to give thomass that you've been passing on their pay-crap for free.. don't pass on files here using any identity other than Anonymous & upload them to a filesharer of your choice as was previously mentioned.

  28. Thanks for the upload

  29. ..yeah thanks for that!!

  30. Yeah thanks for the upload wooohooo!!! Finally!! Your'e the best...

  31. ..Yay, thank you, thank you!! But she still put her name down as id?...

  32. Here's the link for that hair.

  33. No she hasn't you nitwit!! She's deleted her previous posts & substituted a different name to use as ID here...

  34. Hell, you must be reading this page as I write...

  35. Ha ha ha.. Never seen anybody respond to red alerts so quickly in all my time on the net.. lol. Nice job with the upload btw..

  36. Hey... Maybe she's new but I'm glad she found the link... Kudos!

  37. Hey I really wanted that hair and I it took me 2 hours to fund it and I don't even understand chinese. I didn't use google so I had a hard time. I know how it is to go crazy looking for something. So I decided to share it with ya because I felt really bad for all the comments and I went fund it for ya. Sorry if I pissed anybody off.

  38. No way you shud be apologizing.. you did a fine job posting it here. Nobody else manged to post this...

  39. Learn to spell, you cretin...

  40. Kudos, thanx for this!!...

  41. Be more specific! Who are you talking to?

  42. Back on topic, thanks from me as well...

  43. OMG! Mean people. Thank you too.

  44. Just curious - why does everyone seem to be so paranoid of TSR, and of them finding their pay stuff for free? Sims cave won't post any of their items, I'm just wandering what makes TSR so different from Peggy or Rose or Nouk?

  45. Thanks for the heads up on the top/dress. The top 1/2 is adorable - the bottom half sucks!

  46. "I'm just wandering what makes TSR so different from Peggy or Rose or Nouk?"

    They find you sharing content, they'll blacklist you from TSR and share your info with all the other paysites so you can't get access anywhere.

  47. ..what anon just said. If you use your i.p address, your screwed. Most proxies are virtually useless now that hackers & trollers completely dominate their usage - you receive a ban (meant for another user) when using them. Also, Thomass over at TSR is a bit of a hacker himself -,2505.0.html

  48. PMBD = Paysites must be destroyed or All Paysites must be destroyed. The post above me gives their forum address...

  49. wooo. finnaly got that hair.

  50. ..Actually TSR have set a dangerous standard for all modders alike!! Paying for modded content for any other game apart from the sims is virtually unheard of - I can't think of any apart from this game where you donate for the content... if this was tried on any modding site I'm sure the protagonist would be reprimanded, banned & probably hounded for life!!

  51. Great!! Thank you.. I know you're probably a litte bit intimidated by some comments here, but could you please upload the other ulker hair you mentioned earlier.. Plz, plz, pretty plz.....

  52. Back to the subject, the hair can be found here :

    I love this blog, keep up the good job :-)

  53. Tried this hair - nothing special.. turn it black & the seams start to show. Also looks somehow squarer in-CAS than in the pic.. Really don't know what the fuss with this hair is all about, even Savios conversions get more use than this. Well I certainly won't be worrying about his CC being "pay hair" anymore if this is one of his better ones...

  54. Hair with seams showing...

  55. Who is being the tattle tale? The link doesn't work anymore and I refuse to pay for SIMS 3 items. Please re-upload the hair. T$R is a joke, anyway. Or I'll just wait 'till PMBD uploads it...whatever.

  56. I want this hair :( , someone can tell me in what page obtain it ¨? Please!!

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  58. The link is not working anymore for this hair. If someone has it can they email it to me at

  59. Just popping in to say nice site.
