
November 24, 2009

DEFAULT Multicolor eyes + smaller pupil & Iris by -Shady-

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. It's great to see more realistic sized eye replacements, but it's a shame they don't let you change the rim color, since most people don't have that. I've always used Killc*a's "3-Colour-Eyes - Contact Lenses - Smaller Version" if I needed to add the rim.

    I still think Escand's "Tiffany Glaze" eyes are the most realistic so far.

  2. ^ Yikes! Those Tiffany eyes look great in another color, but in that electric blue, they make the Sim look blind.

    These eyes look nice; I'll give 'em a shot, and give 'em the boot if I don't like 'em. :)

  3. most people really not have that rim? I definitely do xD It looks normal to me!

    I really like these... most people's eyes are more than just one color. I'm definitely going to try them.

  4. These are pretty realistic looking, but I'm not looking for default replacements.
    Also I have that rim too. xD

  5. I have that rim. I was under the impression that like... everybody did. I guess not. =/

  6. i have so many eyes already. im thinking of finding the one i like best and deleting the others i won't use anymore. gonna try this one out

  7. Those are very pretty but I have been using Cutthroat Dollie's eyes since they were released. I tried a few other but I have always gone back because they looks very real and detailed in game. I may eventually try these but I think I still like the ones I have more. Here is the link at mod the sims. There are 2 versions 1 is smaller.


  8. Hm, maybe I'll try these out in-game. I don't think they'll replace my tiffany glaze, though.

  9. ^ Obvi it's personal preference, but I really don't get what the big shebang over the Tiffany eyes is. They're nice, but they don't look right with light colors-- I got rid of them after I got sick of my blue-eyed sims looking blind and/or creepy. They're very monotonal, which isn't particularly realistic, and I found the pupil to be *too* small.


  10. ^ My feelings exactly, actonthat.

    What's the rim?

  11. Wish people would start adding contacts instead of only making versions of default replacements. Theres plenty of good versions of default replacements around, but not near enough good contacts!

  12. Oooh these look very pretty. The very first time I downloaded a "smaller pupil & iris set" I knew that was the kind I was going to use forever. They look so much more realistic than the big, drugged-out marbles. Love the detail in these particular ones. I personally like the rim (gives the eye depth), but it might be a tad heavy for me. Still, these are beautiful.

    I'll definitely have to try them out. I agree with Nicole, though, that these will have to really impress me to take the place of the Tiffany Glaze set in my game. We'll see! :)

  13. I tried these eyes in game and they look terrible. The defaults are all way too bright, like bad horror film neon contacts bright. (Not like the sample pics at all.) I don't want all the townies to look like Thriller extras so I'm going back to Tiffany Glaze!

  14. ^ I read that in the comments at MTS...kind of sucks, because these look very pretty in the previews. Oh well, Tiffany Glaze has never let me down. XD

  15. These are so pretty!!! but i wish they were contacts because i already have default eyes i really like and i don't know what to choose.

  16. They are really pretty. But they look horrible on townies. Plus almost all of my green eyed sims ended up with turquoise eyes. Same with light brown eyes.

  17. .. I don't like tiny pupils like the ones Katana mentioned - alright if you're doing Kirsty Allen or Megan Fox.. of course the reality is they change according to lighting conditions but obviously you can flag that idea.. though someone was working on making completely customizable eyes that weren't default at MTS... - haven't heard anything since...

  18. ^ I think eyes with smaller pupils look WAY more realistic, personally. Big pupils look cartoony and silly to me, because most people's pupils aren't quite as large as the ones on sims eyes unless they are in a dim room. Since the sims are usually in well-lit rooms or outdoors in full sunshine, big pupils make them look like they've all been given those terrible eyedrops by the optometrist. XD

    To each their own, though, since that's just my opinion. :)

  19. It's not just the pupil size, it's the iris. Both the set shown here and the one that people are talking about have smaller irises than the default, as well as smaller pupils.

    And actually, the Tiffany Glaze pupils are about the same size as these ones, if not exactly the same size.

  20. "someone was working on making completely customizable eyes that weren't default at MTS"

    They're all over the place, as contacts in costume makeup. Or do you mean eyes that actually behave like eyes, with changing pupils and genetic carriers and the like?

    That'd be pretty cool.

  21. I think it's funny that people think the Tiffany eyes make light-eyed sims look blind. My whole family has really light eyes that look a LOT like that, and sometimes people comment on it but they never say anything mean. I wonder if we secretly freak people out lol.

  22. These don't look so nice in-game; they make all the eyes look green. At least in my game. I removed them :P

  23. Out of all the eyes I've tried, these are the prettiest. Thank you :)
