
November 15, 2009

Fallen's Back Tattoo by NewOne

Download at One Billion Pixels


  1. It's pretty, but it looks a little too dark to me. It might just be the screenshot, but I don't often see tats with ink that is that dense, so it looks a tad unrealistic.

  2. you can change the color. :/

  3. it looks like 2 crows got steamrolled onto an elf back..

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. It's not unrealistic. My friend has a tat like that, and it's pretty dark.

    I think it looks great!

  6. Glad to see your defending yourself! More creators need to do that when people start commenting here.

    As for me, I like the tattoo, have it in my game, and was really happy to see the text removed, even though I didn't mind it too much.

  7. I love that tattoo, it looks great in game but I prefer it with the text, taste differs.

  8. Well, we can both be happy since Newone was awesome enough to make both versions. ^^

  9. NewOne: the anons were actually not rude at all. They were just stating their opinions and there's no reason to take it personally. In fact, they both complimented your work, they just said it wasn't quite the way they wanted it, and you responded in a rather rude way...

    I am disappointed by that.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. at least they gave reasons instead of just saying ew fug like trolls...

  12. ^ No offense, NewOne, but I have to agree with anon#8. Both the first and third anons were pretty polite, they just said that there was something about it that they didn't like, and you responded by implying that they weren't "the smart ones here." Aren't people allowed to share their opinions without being insulted?

    I 100% understand the urge to slam them, considering the large number of trolls springing up around here lately, but these anons didn't seem like trolls.

    It's a lovely tattoo, btw. You make very nice stuff. :)

  13. Oh wow. Apparently if we don't fawn over stuff the way people do at TSR or even MTS, we're stupid. How very mature and level-headed.

    Sorry, sometimes my sarcasm gets away from me...

    Honestly, I think the tattoo is beautiful. But I'm sad that two pretty polite anons (and a dumbass troll, but that's a different story) were insulted because they dared to make some slight CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. Like someone else said, they complimented the work but they said something didn't work for them. I don't think that's unfair.

    Insult the people who are rude and pointless not the ones who have legit crit to offer. Creators shouldn't have to change their work to please everyone but they don't have to be insulting either.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I'll use my name. I think the tattoo is very, very nice. I like all your stuff.

    I do think it's a little unnecessary to call people's intelligence into question if they have criticism, though, or to call them cowards just because they post anonymously.

    I wish commenters would be more polite (although I *don't* think anyone here was impolite, except the one troll) but I don't think creators should take things so personally either. We all have opinions and nobody can expect their work to please everyone completely. If someone were bashing your work outright, that would be different.

    I could be wrong but I honestly don't think anyone here was saying your work was bad, NewOne, or even saying that you should change it. I don't think you need to change it. But I don't think it's bad that people can make commentary here, good OR bad. Try not to be insulted, since I don't think anyone was being insulting.

    That said, very nice tat.

  16. "What's your nickname, Mr. or Mrs.?
    I really want to know who you are."

    I don't use a nick. I will eventually if it's necessary but I've never gotten around to setting one up.

    Seriously I like your work but stop insulting people. I'm not a coward I'm just lazy. ;)

  17. *wow* to the creator's 2nd post - was that meant to be threatening? Pretty low class if you ask me..... just saying, won't be adding this to my game thanks!

  18. Daaaamn grow up, NewOne.
