
November 09, 2009

Gabriel by FREEDOM_55

Download this Sims at Mod The Sims


  1. Mmm sexy pixel manly man.I have just the girl for him.Thank you

    I so wish he was real
    amazing download
    he is the first downlaod I
    actually wanted to download
    he is so realistic

  3. OMG O>O
    he is so yes baby yes!
    I wANT HIM
    yes freedom_55 always has a realistic style to her sims...

  4. SO goodlooking, but has anyone tried him without all the cc? I don't want to D/L all that stuff. If anyone has him without all (or too much) of the cc that is needed, can you please post a comment on what he looks like? Thank you very much!!!

  5. O_OActually like the creator said he doesn't have that much CC at all. Especailly compared to a lot of sims avaialble for upload at MTS.She said really tried to limit the amount of CC as possible, especailly on clothes.

    ON TESTING ( I tested it out for you :Without the realistic make-up he looks completely fine and almsot exactly hte same. And he comes WITH the hair so thats one less thing you have to download and his clothes are completely maxis. so that shouldn't be a problem.The gymwear is not neccassary but reccommended. You actually don't need aikeaa's shirt mesh at all if you use SAMMM.

    and you don't need SAMMM neither,all that would be missing is the curve.

    and Lastly ,Getting the default eyes, face and body skin, stubbles is up to you. I use Aikea's face and it works just fine!

    SO he looks gorgeous without all the CC, But I think you sould get SAMMM b/c it makes all the difference. oh and I also personally think you should get the brows. tHATS IT :D

    source: I tried him in my game and bare in game without any custom skintones and any other CC , he looks just as sexy. Like every sim out there I reccommend you using any default face.

    I find it actually amazing for her to make a sims look so good based on that much limited CC. Hope this helps :)


  6. Don't forget he is SLIDER HACK FREE! that means you don't need to download a slider hack either ;)

  7. Thanks so much Courtney! Based on your post and comments I downloaded him, the brows, the stubble and the lips. Passed on sammm for right now as I don't want my other simmies affected. Anyway, I've yet to give him the test-run - lol - but can't wait!

    A big thanks to you for taking the time to post. Also, to the creator and MS3B for bringing him to us. Lately we have been blessed with having some really top-notch hunks brought our way. Yeay!

  8. he looks pretty hott from what i can tell *runs to MTS
