
November 17, 2009

Lars Ulrich, the drummer of Metallica by Arisuka

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. Hey, soon I'll have the whole band!


  2. Very good likeness!!

  3. That's a good likeness! Arisuka did a nice job on the eyes. Actually, the eyes are kinda creepy, but in a good way.

    I loved Metallica back in the good ol' days before the whole Napster debate...and before St Anger. Still pretty cool to see them in Sim form, though.

  4. I'm a LITTLE upset you posted this and the Marilyn Monroe sims but not my Britney sim... but cool.

  5. This is a reasonable likeness, but I would have preferred his eyes not to look so hard. They need to slope down more at the corners.

    His face could do with being a little fatter as well. But generally a good job.

    I agree chadgraphix, Britney deserves to be on here. She is a good likeness.

  6. Thank you. I appreciate it. ^

  7. This is really well done. I knew immediately who it was.

    I also must agree on the Britney Sim. I've been waiting to see it, and was surprised I didn't.

    And I'll never understand why you chose to share Marilyn over Britney since it's obvious which has been done better.

  8. What britney sim?
    Anyone mind telling me where to find it?

  9. is he supposed to have such a huge forehead ?

  10. Very lookalike. Goodjob!

  11. ..there are no balding hairline hairs readily available out there, so Arisuka had to settle for that one... roughly what was said over at MTS...

  12. ^^^^^ ..because she doesn't like her. - simple as that!!

  13. ..this is an outstanding likeness. I think the best of all three, if the hair was more accurate to the picture source it would be (as far as sims is concerned) near perfect...

  14. good look alike im sorry but to me the actually guy looks like a freakin child molestor and creepy lol and the sim is too thats what i call LIKENESS! so good job! (no sarcasm in that one)

  15. He looks great, just like the real Lars!! Great job Arisuka! *runs off to download* :)

  16. Umm, since when did THIS turn into a thread about Britney Spears? And I downloaded the Marilyn Monroe. And Britney and Marilyn have about the same level of mental health. They both got chased around by paparazzi's.
