
November 15, 2009

Marilyn by Audrey

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. I LOVE her! :D

    Hey MS3B, put a pic of the dress I made for her too! XD

  2. Doesn't look a thing like her.

  3. I agree with the other anon.
    That doesn't look like her at all.

  4. It's a beautiful Sim, but she doesn't look like Marilyn.

    Probably better than I could do, though.

  5. I think she looks a lot like Marylin. The resemblence isn't 100% but it's pretty good if you ask me.

  6. I think she looks great and a lot like Marilyn! I wish her body could be shapelier since Marilyn was a size 12, not a size 5. But there is only so much you can do with the sliders.

  7. I don't think it looks like her at all... "blonde with red lpistick" doesn't make her Marilyn...

  8. The creator has really captured the essence of Marilyn, even if she is not feature-perfect, she is pretty damn good.

  9. She's pretty damn good.

  10. its a pretty sim but quite honestly if i didnt read the title and jus saw the pic marilyn wouldnt have been the absolute first person in mind..maybe the 3 or 4. but never the less it is a nice job.

  11. id love to see you guys create a marilyn monroe sim. see how easy it is to make a sim based on a real person

  12. Heh. I don't have a whole lot of use for the sim, though I thought it was pretty well made. I did download the dress by Anubis, though! Gorgeous.

  13. I can definitely see the resemblance to Marilyn. It isn't 100% spot-on, but I could easily tell it was supposed to be her.

  14. this is hands down the UGLIEST thing ive EVERRRRR seen!!!!!!

  15. this is hands down the UGLIEST thing ive EVERRRRR seen!!!!!!
    You've definitely been living in a box.
    It's not Marilyn, but it's far from ugly.
    Lol I hope you weren't trying to troll.

  16. I love the, "EMG U CANT DO BETTER SO U ARENT ALLOWED 2 COMPLAIN," people. By that logic, no one should be allowed to dislike, say, Vista (you can't create an operating system, peon) or a really uncomfortable chair (can you make a chair? no? shut up, then). Or a hard-to-understand textbook. Or the government. Or bad acting. Or bad drawing. Or...

  17. I think its pretty difficult to make sims that are supposed to look like a celeb or someone with a set look
    but I think this is pretty good regardless


  18. well,no one is saying that you can't dislike something, but the way you express and who you direct it to makes a difference. if you dont bother saying why it sucks and how it can be improved, and direct your comment to the modder..your complaint is no better the homeless drunk who shouts out ramdom stuff 'red color/pigeons/rectangles sucks'to every human he passes by

  19. "I love the, "EMG U CANT DO BETTER SO U ARENT ALLOWED 2 COMPLAIN," people. By that logic, no one should be allowed to dislike, say, Vista (you can't create an operating system, peon) or a really uncomfortable chair (can you make a chair? no? shut up, then). Or a hard-to-understand textbook. Or the government. Or bad acting. Or bad drawing. Or..."

    I think people are just tired of hearing complaints, it's like the saying goes "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all" it's just not nice, I mean seriously how hard is it to not leave a negative comment? People just take the time out of their day to be mean to other people, if you don't like what someone has to offer as far as downloads go just ignore it and don't download. See how easy that is?

  20. She is very beautiful.

  21. I knew it was Marilyn right away.

  22. if modders are going to get grief whether or not their stuff are free, it makes sense for them to at least get some money out of it. i think people will value things more if they don't get them so easily.

  23. red color/pigeons/rectangles sucks!

  24. "I love the, "EMG U CANT DO BETTER SO U ARENT ALLOWED 2 COMPLAIN," people. By that logic, no one should be allowed to dislike, say, Vista (you can't create an operating system, peon) or a really uncomfortable chair (can you make a chair? no? shut up, then). Or a hard-to-understand textbook. Or the government. Or bad acting. Or bad drawing. Or..."

    I actually agree with this 100%. It makes me mad when people make negative comments without having any sort of reason behind it, but it's perfectly fine, in my book, to dislike something and say so. Just because a person is not a Sims creator, that doesn't mean that they can't spot something they dislike, nor does it mean that their opinion is invalid.

    That said, these ridiculous trolls who just say "ew" or "ugliest thing I've ever seen" or "creator X sucks" need to get a life. There's a big difference between legitimate criticism (particularly the constructive kind) and just being a jerk because you can.

    It's the price we pay for online anonymity, I guess. 99% of these trolls wouldn't have the guts to say what they say to the person's face.

  25. To post #15:
    You have NO idea how much EFFORT AND WORK did the creator of this sim. She and all the users who create celebrity sims put a lot of effort in their sims to have a good resemblance. Do you know how frustrating is for a creator to hear all these kind of comments? You made them think that they haven't worked enough, when they did. Seriously, be a little kind with people who create in their free time and share to you.

  26. I don't think it looks like her at all. :/

  27. It doesn't remind me that much of Marilyn. It's a lovely sim however. I can tell a lot of work went into her.

  28. I think I'd have more respect for the work Audrey puts into her Sims if she didn't complain so much during the process.

    She makes my ears bleed.

    I'm convinced MTS accept her Sims just to shut her up and thank god they do!

  29. I saw the resemblance- that's pretty darn close resemblance, especially considering the limits of some parts of Sims 3's CAS.

  30. ^yeah the CAS does have limits however i think thats why people use face masks but i can understand not wanting to do that cuz not everyone likes their sims CC'd to the max. but i think MTS does have a problem with excepting peoples work ive seen them turn away good things and accept some fugly stuff. like they have things that are featured that are alright but yet there are way better stuff floating around on the site..maybe its just me or it sounds like playing faves. at least TSR lets everyone upload..good or bad, only bad thing with them is the stupid subscriber shit.

  31. umm one more thing is anubis360 the same person as the guy from icon sims? cuz they have the same dress on their site?

  32. No Anubuis is not the same person form iconsims. completely different creator. Anubuis made teh everyday iconic white marliyn monroe dress not shown here.

    "Just another ugly ass sim from MTS. FAIL. Now they have ugly Natalie Tran and Britney Spears sims. They need to stop

    They need to put some fuckin work into it"

    lots of ppl like Natile Tran on youtube and would love to have her in game. the latest recreation of her at MTS is pretty accurate, okay? And you don't think creators
    work hard to get even a decent likeness? Do you even know the strict the uplaod acceptance process is? MTS only accepts the best, or at least good things. No Crap.Its highly offensive, i would like to see you try and put some " fucking effort" into making your favourite celeb and see how easy it is . Don't be so ignorant T_T

  33. I'd take MTS over TSR anyday. TSR's policies encourage mediocracy, since any comments that aren't asspats are often deleted, and those who do show any promise are often elevated to paid artists, where they're paid to churn out whatever.

    Also, aside from a few exceptions, face masks can be creepy.

  34. I think the likeness in the face is there, the hair makes it look a little off. It must be really difficult to find the perfect free hair for a celebrity sim. A really good effort.

  35. "I'd take MTS over TSR anyday. TSR's policies encourage mediocracy, since any comments that aren't asspats are often deleted, and those who do show any promise are often elevated to paid artists, where they're paid to churn out whatever."

    this exactly... notice the negative posters indictment of MTS from the very first troll onwards... how much do you wanna bet some of these anon are ChazDesigns & co...

  36. ^^ to avoid confusion, I mean the very first negative posts maligning MTS...

  37. "if modders are going to get grief whether or not their stuff are free, it makes sense for them to at least get some money out of it. i think people will value things more if they don't get them so easily."

    ..nicely chipped in with that one didn't you, Darth Thomass' apprentice... No doubt, part of the trolling brigade assaulting this post, trying in vain in a very conniving, insidious way, to add that little backdoor trojan of yours called "pay" mods.. The Modding fraternity at large will never cross to the dark side of modding & if by & large they ever do.. that will be it for PC gaming: Consuls:10 / PC:0 ..the cash strapped public at large (recession!!) will never be gullible enough to fall for that particular shamination...

  38. ^^ Well, some won't...

  39. Thank you one and all for your comments. Good or bad, she has engendered debate and that is a good thing.

    I do feel sorry for those people who feel they have to diss people's work whether it be deserving or undeserving.

    To the poster whose ears hurt, that is a really LMAO comment. If I have something to write, I write it in a PM, so you are either a mod who has access to PMs or a supposed friend of mine and that makes me sad to think that.

    As far as putting up my sims to shut me up, well, if you knew how many times I have had rejections, you wouldn't say that. Currently, Anne Hathaway has been rejected twice, but then you probably know that, being an 'insider' so to speak.

    I am not the best simmer but I am not the worst and thank you to those who recognise how much work goes into making a sim like Marilyn or any celebrity sim - hours and hours and hours. Audrey

  40. ^ Thanks for taking our comments so well. The blogger who runs this blog has the patience of a saint to allow us to comment without moderation, so while that allows for information and opinions to be shared, you get a lot of trolls, whether they just be 12 year olds or people with an ax to grind.

  41. Actually, I think she looks more like Joan Crawford. Change the hair color and she'd be spot on for the classic movie star.

  42. For sims 3 it's the best i've seen so far =)

  43. I think she did a great job and I am disgusted at how rude some people can be.
    YOUR GETTING CONTENT MADE FOR FREE ?!?!? And some of you (which I'm sure are most of you) don't make any custom content for your game or know how to, but yet you stand up on your soap box and shit all over everyone else's hard work. And not with just saying " I dont care for it too much, or I dont like it but good effort"
    NO people like them have to put extra cruel comments in there to get their shitty retarded point across also not taking into account that the person who made said content can read your shitty critiques.
    The sims "community" and I use that term very loosly has become a bunch of whiney children complaining about how there isnt enough free stuff, but when free stuff is produced (and thank you to all the creators who create free content) you sit there and say it's sub par or it sucks or you could have done it better. Well then ya know what?


    Christ sakes, at least they are trying.

  44. ^ Don't get mad at that failtroll. That's the whole reason trolls exist - to get you angry. The creator should pay attention to the critiquing comments, and on her next celeb sim try to get a better likeness. That's it. No one was being neither too harsh nor too rude except for the failtroll (as I'm sure it's just one bored person.) And I'd like to see you do better? Please. You don't have to be able to paint like Monet to criticize him. (Just an example of a prominent artist, is all.)
    And did anyone even say they could have done it better? O.o

  45. I make celebrity sims too and must agree that is very dificult to catch likness. It's a guestion of dimensions between eyes, nose, lips, then chin shape, eyes shape, etc. The choise of right hair,lipstick, eyebrows is very important too!. I made Marylin myself, but I'm not satisfied with her yet, she needs a little more work. I would never published Marylin on this stage - it seems as the author gave up - this Marylin needs a little work and then she would be much more like original!

  46. Uh, I made the Natalie Tran sim on MTS and I wouldn't be insulted if you hadn't been so cruel and trollish about your comment. MTS only accepts the best sims, and they leave you hanging for about a week in the upload queue, therefore they accept no bullcrap sims, so just STFU if you're not going to give any advice or CONSTRUCTIVE critisism, and just say, "this sim sucks and is ugly" then slink out. If you had any idea how hard it is to create a good likeness in the sims 3, you'd fail badly and look like a hypocritical idiot. The sims in TS3are pudding-ey and do NOT look real without those hideous facemasks that can't be edited. So, to summarise everything, voicing your opinion is fine, just dont been harsh and a douchebag about it. So shut up and give it a try.

  47. ..If it's one failtroll, then that person more than likely comes from TSR.. the first insult "Doesn't look a thing like her." is exactly the way ChazDesigns critiques others work.. post no.5 he keeps going but gets moderated out of the page... "Just another ugly ass sim from MTS." Definitely the same ilk, direct attack on MTS - definitely from TSR...

  48. ^ yeah, I was thinking the same thing. The ones that are just random strings of cuss words is probably the 12 year old, but the direct harsh ones are probably from someone like Chaz.

  49. I'm amazed how the majority of you assume any negative comments must be the result of someone from TSR or similar. Even going as far to assume it's a 12 year old.

    Well, I have not been impressed by this Sim, or many of them accepted at MTS, including the majority of all their content lately, and I am neither a child nor from another site. I am a creator from MTS.

    You all continue to carry on about how hard there artists work and how difficult it is to get a likeness to the real thing. Well, don't do it then lol. We're not asking you to create Sims you clearly can't do. We're not asking you to work so hard on them, or to do as much as you can and then say "it's the best I can do". Unfortunately, your best isn't always good enough. But you, the creators, ARE asking for us, the downloaders to critique your work from the moment you upload it. If all you want is the praise, then create your own website where you can filter the comments. Perhaps if you spent a little more time working on growing a backbone and a little less time simming, you'd be in better shape.

  50. I'm amazed how the majority of you assume any negative comments must be the result of someone from TSR or similar. Even going as far to assume it's a 12 year old.
    I think they were talking about the failtroll, the one with the excessive use of exclamation points.
    But the comments saying that it looks nothing like Marilyn are true, and far from trolling (to the anons above you.)

  51. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and if you don't think it looks like Marilyn, then you are entitled to say so, but to say that it doesn't look "anything like her" is a bit of hyperbole, as although she is my sim, I do think that she does bear a resemblance, not perfect, but at least enough of a resemblance to say well, that could be Marilyn.

    I agree, there are many, many sims on MTS who without the IRL pictures next to them are completely unrecognisable and the above poster who comments about my complaining, that is the thing I have complained about the most. However flawed the MTS process of acceptance or rejection, it is 1000 times worse on TSR who accept anything, even if they don't look ANYTHING like the Celeb sim they are supposed to portray. So big ups to MTS for at least trying to keep up a reasonable standard.

    Anyway, I sim because I enjoy the challenge, for recreation and for the fun and the chat on the CFF forum.

    I do my damnedest to get the sim looking as much like the IRL as possible, but, and I am going to bring in the crappy slider excuse,and say truly that some celebs eyes are sometimes impossible to get absolutely perfect, as in the case of Marilyn, so you do what you can to get it as close as possible.

    When you get a lot of people in the CFF saying that your sim is ready for upload, then I guess, that is the green light to put him/her up and sometimes you get accepted immediately, like Marilyn or sometimes you get rejected 2 or 3 times as I have been many times.

    Anyway, happy criticising and trolling, but this will not stop me for enjoying the sim-making process and the thrill of seeing my work displayed even though I know I open myself up to harsh criticism, that's fine. I won't stop simming because of what is said on here.

    See all of you anonymous' the next time one of my sims gets uploaded here. Ciao Audrey

  52. We get it: troll says something mean, anon says something sorta mean, creator says it's hard. You do good work. Nobody's perfect. Blah blah blah...15 pages later. ;)
