
November 02, 2009

More Clutter Conversions by Infusorian

Download at Infusorian's blog


  1. Ugh, I wish the books came in non-twilight versions :(

  2. I love it. The twilight books will be great to build character with my teens room.

  3. I _really_ like the Twilight books, but I wish they were separate.

  4. Lol, I wish the Starbucks logo wasn't reversed. But it won't stop me from happily using the mug anyway!

  5. Ooooh I'd have gotten those books in a moment if they weren't Twilight...the rest looks very nice, though.

  6. My hope is perhaps someone will be kind and clever enough to ask Infu and the original creator (which appears to be ~Monica~ at TSR) if they may recolor the books and give some alternative titles or even just some plain, leather-bound covers.

  7. Agreed. Books make great clutter, but not all my sims read Twilight. :D

  8. At least these twilight books are as thick as the actual ones, and not under a Blues clue's mug like that last ones. And look at it this way.. Once there are nice conversions of them... (like these) people will just use these and stop making multiple conversions of the books, and we'll get other books.

    I'm holding out for Dorian Gray.

  9. I usedto have a smarties calculator!! how cool. haha

  10. i want harry potter :(

  11. Why..... Just why. I really hope someone recolors those books.

  12. Enough of the damn Twilight books! -_-

  13. Uggh. I had so much respect for this blog, until I saw those ugly books.

  14. @^ .. She's just posting what's out there, and there's other stuff in the set.

    The Twi-haters are just as obsessed as the fans. BOTH of you make me ill. It's just a fad already. Ignore it and it will go away.

  15. Looks great. Is those clutter useable ingame? Most of them are more than twice the size for my sims. ...
    What do you think?

  16. I can verify that the books are actually slightly smaller in scale. I compared one of the actual ones to my laptop.. and the in game ones to a sims laptop.. and .. yeah. Books are smaller in comparison to the real ones.

    So I'd say this clutter shouldn't seem too huge to you.

  17. I'm not obsessed with twilight. I'm just annoyed with people going "OMG I LOVE TWILIGHT!!!!"

    Personally I thought the books were ok. I didn't like the story in general (because vampires should not sparkle, and because Bella becomes "OMG I CANNOT LIVE WITHOUT EDWARD, SO I WILL JUMP OFF A CLIFF!" and that sort of thing...)

    The movie was awful though. Couldn't even finish watching it.

    Oh well.

  18. "The Twi-haters are just as obsessed as the fans. BOTH of you make me ill."

    Uh, there's nothing wrong with saying that you don't want to have Twilight paraphernalia in your game. It's not like we're having "I Hate Twilight" conventions or something. ;)

    Personally, I don't like to have any rl fan stuff in my game, or even celeb Sims, band teeshirts, or recognizable brands. I didn't download the Starbucks mug for that very reason, and I don't have anything against Starbucks.

  19. @^ I read them as well, They're ok. They're not nearly worth the obsession either the lovers or the haters have though. And I have not watched the film. I like a lot of other books better.. but I like several other books less.

    But again. It's a fad, and it will crash and burn soon enough. Like the mullet.

  20. i don't hate the blog now, just because they posted the twilight series. I still love all the stuff. The starbucks and the cute bag are wonderful!

  21. I don't like Twillight because Edward is perfect while Bella is clumsy and average -.-

  22. I don't like twilight because Edward's an 100 year old creeper.

  23. I don't like Twilight because I'm not 13.
