
November 06, 2009

New Donation Hair for Females at Newsea

Download at Newsea



  1. This is really pretty! Waiting for it to be bootied/simscave'd :D

  2. wow, this is real nice

  3. I like this too. Waiting on Sims Cave. :)

  4. Unfortunately, it will probably take a LONG time for SimsCave or PMBD to get this hair. Newsea is possessive with their payfiles, and track them very closely.

  5. It's soooo beautiful! But why donation?? I don't want to get anything from booty or simscave, don't tempt me! ¬¬

    PS: I hope this is for sims 2 and Savio can reconvert it :P

  6. Well they have other newsea's stuff so I imagine it's not that terribly difficult and it will be up there eventually. If someone could post the link here when/if that does happen, that'd be fantastic.

  7. Yeah, I noticed it took much longer for SimsCave/PMBD to get Newsea hairs than hairs from other paysites (Peggy, Rose, etc. etc.). Ah well. I can wait. :)

  8. Yes, Simscave and PMBD have some Newsea hairs for download; however, it took several months to get them. My warning was that it may take at least that long for this hair as well. :)

  9. I just don't get it......
    if she start's to put all the good hair pay I think that none will buy it couse people start to think that's to much.... I think that if she want's some money could start to move her bottom and work really and not sit in front of a computer to earn money....If you're listening to this Newsea start to work for real........

  10. A few of the donors got caught recently, so don't hold your breath.

  11. Awww, I like this <3

    I wonder though, what do they actually look for when trying to catch donors? Is it something that's part of the package structure? Anyone know?

  12. how do you know people got caught anon? either you helped in getting them caught or you got caught...

  13. Wow, I really like this.

  14. I know they got caught because new names were added to their hate list on their homepage. Run the chinese part through a translator and it says more stuff about them hating thieves.

    And I have no idea how they track their crap.

  15. This is pretty..and almost was pretty enough for me to buy it. But $3 for one hair? That is worse than the Sim Store! Its definitely worth waiting a couple of months. Too bad they can't make the price a little more reasonable. I hear people complain about TSR..but they don't charge this much for one hair. Sad too..because I am willing to donate but not at that price.

  16. Honestly, their "hate list" on the front page is really despicable. I would never willingly provide my personal information to a site that acts like that. TSR, I'm looking at you too.

  17. I will never donate a shit to sites that treat people that way

  18. Hate list? OMG, what a strong and despicable word for someone to project cause of not paying for pixels. Sorry, but I don't pay for pixels to show in my game, and now I know how Newsea acts, I would never allow a dollar of mine in that direction.

    Arr, baby!

  19. The whole thing is just pathetic. Wow.

  20. No one noticed the list before? :/ .. It's been there as long as I've been aware of their site. Occasionally new stuff gets added. Or does everyone just look at the pictures and ignore the words?

  21. I've seen it but I'd rather not read it. It's wrong what they're doing, in my opinion; sharing information as they are.


    Never will I ever dl a thing from them again. Their hairs are barely that nice anyway.

    I think we should all email them a piece of our minds :).

    They shouldn't be allowed to post others information just because they don't think it's right to pay for pixels, because it's not. They don't own anything, everything they made was with programs they didn't make.

  23. I had no idea that Newsea was doing that. They just lost another potential costumer.

    What a bunch of POS ***holes.

  24. Hate lists????

    OMG, is she gone mad or what?
    And 3 bucks for a hair? One good song from Itune only cost 99 cents!
    One song that needs lyrics/music/studio musicians/producer/singer/chorus/arrangements/recording/mixing..........................

    These bloody paysite should be ashamed of themself.
    Very very ashamed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  25. FFS a hate list? I thought it was bad when I heard that she was tracking her files... now this? Disgusting.

    I *used* to donate to paysites. Now I know what they are. They make me vomit.

  26. hate list...lmao.


    Srs bsns.

  27. "Sims. Srs bsns."

    I'm twirling my lulztachio in your general direction.

    Lovely hair, and I might arr it when I get the chance. It looks very natural and versatile.

  28. I can't wait until this is at SimsCave! XD

  29. Newsea is disgusting! A hate list?! I'd rather not playing this game than donating anything to her. Not mention a single hair lol

  30. "Sims. Srs Business"


    FFS paysites really do need to be destroyed!

  31. I really need this hair for a celeb sim I am making. Has it been arred yet?

