
November 25, 2009

New Hair Added by Snake Legs

Download this hair for all ages here.

File names:



  1. The ringlets are cute, but the bangs are helmet-like and hideous. What's with the weird transparency in the back? This would be a great hair if only the rest of it matched the curls - that's why I won't be downloading it. It's a good attempt, though.

  2. I agree, good attempt and idea but the execution didn't work. Maybe it could be salvaged by a more experienced mesher, or the creator could mesh it over again? IDK

  3. Um. The ringlets are pretty cute. I can't honestly say anything else positive about this hair, so I'll just stop now.

  4. Nice job with the ringlets. I wish the entire hair was like that.

  5. Bigger forehead than Mariah Carey

  6. this hair makes baby jesus cry. ;-;

  7. ^lmfao! yeah she or he should have just put the ringlets else where or NOT done that too the front it looks like a hat. like at least push all the hair back with a headband and then the back is pretty ringlets!

  8. I agree ringlets all over would be great.

  9. LOL This hair is awful

  10. I liked the idea of ringlets but... why the huge forehead?

  11. omg eeeeeeew some things should remain in cartoon!! lol this is the worst reaction ive EVER had to hair

  12. Pulled back hair so you could actually see the forehead would be a big improvement over the helmet-bangs it currently has.

  13. Well I like it. The curls are fab, but the bang isssss..... BUT still I like this hair.

  14. This lacks of quality. I think it's the worst hair i have ever seen (i'm not a hater, i'm just expressing my opinion). I think makers should know what they should share, and what not. I'm sure they wouldn't use a hair like this if it was made by others. And also, why to put up things like THAT on this blog, if we seek cool things to be used?

  15. Well, there will always be people who like things you (or the majority) of people don't like, questioning anon. Just look at the comment above yours. :)

  16. I agree with everyone who doesn't think this hair is quite up to scratch. We've seen MUCH better from Peggy, XMSims MYOS etc.
    And I also wonder what they are doing here...the owner of this blog usually has excellent taste and only gets the best of the stuff out there. I think it must be a prank!

  17. @Nicole: They are being too kind to this hair. The "there's people who will like what you don't", doesn't apply to something that has no quality, and have you seen the gaps on the back of the hair?

    No, please.

  18. ^Not necessarily. People like things for different reasons; it's not always about quality or aesthetics.

    For example, a person who plays a Victorian themed hood might like this hair, despite the obvious issues. Their desire for having appropriate hairstyles overrides their desire for quality, and they choose to like it simply for the purpose it serves; not because it's pretty.

  19. I totally agree with above comment!

    Sometimes I hate reading people opinons on here because there just rude, but the above good on you, it would be nice if everyone had the same way of looking at things.

  20. I agree with both anon'a above. I think maybe pilgrims or colonel theme. Or even a Victorian them. Great for people who like to make video's and stories. The ringlets are just too cute!!

  21. I'm definitely not one to choose theme over quality, but I can understand why some people would. That said, I don't think this hair is so bad. I do agree that the bangs are too large (for me) and there are some gap issues at the back, but it's kind of cute anyway. The issues outweight the positives IMO, but it's definitely better than some I've seen. With a little more work it could be adorable.

  22. The ringlets are beautiful, but my focus is drawn to the giant ugly bangs,

  23. Those bangs...

    I can't stop looking at them.

    They're trying to take over her head!

  24. Maybe if she were wearing a bonnet, like Little Bo Peep or whatever.

  25. No,No, hurts my eyes to look at the helmet on her head.

  26. ...Rebel Alliance meets Hasidic Jew. Now I can finally combine my love for blast helmets and Payos!

  27. Nice try
    remesh maybe?

  28. No! Why not ringlets all over? It would have looked SUPER CUTE!!!! Grrr...
