
November 09, 2009

New Paintings by Ida

Download at Sims District


  1. Oh wow, not sure yet where I would put these, but the bottom left one is just gorgeous.

  2. Really nice! Sadly I don't download paintings T_T

  3. amazing...i'll be downloading these for sure. I agree with xer that the bottom left one is just gorgeous

  4. lol the very definition of trashy "art"

    and no, i'm not saying that because there are low-cut tops and a almot-bare rear-end. that doesn't bother me at all. these are the last anon said, tacky as hell.

  5. I disagree entirely. Tacky to those who can't appreciate art perhaps. Art isn't at all "what you see" although I get the impression I would be wasting my time explaining.

    In regards to this art, it's very, very good work. Crystal clear. It was nicely done. I wouldn't know where in my game to use them myself, but I think they are fabulous.

  6. "I get the impression I would be wasting my time explaining."

    Do you assume that the anons don't understand art simply because they don't agree with your taste?

    Personally, I think the artist is very talented, but the art itself...looks pretty tacky to me, too.

  7. Gigantic hair, heavy makeup, slutty clothes, bright colors, slightly weird anatomy in a few pics.

    The original painter can paint, that's true. But their subject matter is the stuff of fantasy novel covers or even nerdy dorm-room posters.

  8. OMG, I love this museum or house !
