
November 13, 2009

New Things at ICON

Download at ICON


  1. their stuff is worth the wait. as long as its free

  2. Errrm... No. The textures on the skirt are whack, the boots are just painted onto the leg, and I don't know WHAT is up with that lipstick. Wholly unimpressed.

  3. ^ oh shutup you dont know what the world your talking about...ppl are soo ungrateful these days! those boots a effin gorgeous i was like wow outloud and my bf was like wat are you talkin about lol , i was wondering when icon would come back!! finally! =]

  4. To the anonymous one that was "Wholly unimpressed" I would appreciate if you could answer a question. Did you have the items in game before you made the observations about the skirt and shoes? I wanted to ask because I have seen similar comments that ended up being quite wrong. If you did have them in game what are the graphic settings you use for the game?

    I have liked the other items by this site. My favorite item is the Balenciaga leggings. The leggings have been updated with bumpmap which makes them even better.

    Thank you for the comments, they help me determine if I want to take the time to download. Hopefully the one that was not impressed can respond to the questions.

  5. I'm not too impressed with the lipstick, but that's just my opinion. The boots are nice though. I'm gonna get them.

  6. I only like the smoky eyes. The rest are too high-fashion for my game.

    I may have a use for them when I get into my story about model sims, though.

  7. @ Long Paragraph anon from "Wholly unimpressed" anon:

    No, I don't have them ingame. We're given these images of the item, and if I'm not impressed with the way it looks based on these, why would I dl? Especially since a lot of creators shop their promo pics to make them look better... The general assumption is that a picture a creator has chosen to represent their work is the best representation of the work they've done. If this is the best it looks, no thanks.

  8. these pictures sure dont look photoshopped... ill post my own of the shoes for example
    some of the dresses arent out yet so i am looking forward to getting it next week

    what i love most bout icon sim is the originality.

    A lot of these artists are making and remaking the same stuff over with different textures and colors.

    Not so with icon sim, they at least try to be original, and if they have to look towards haute couture to be original so be it.
    they always have a spot on my laptop.

  9. I _think_ I like the smokey eyes...I'll have to see how it looks ingame though. I haven't ended up keeping ANY of the makeup I've downloaded, none of it looks right (imo).

    I DO like the heeled boots!

  10. I like the boots, but as said before, I am not into the high fashion stuff. Looks nice tho.

  11. I've downloaded the robot dress and the eye makeup... haven't gotten to test yet because something else crashed my game though. @.@ .. damn TSR thing.

  12. I love the boots. I grabbed those and the leggings.

  13. Is there a problem with hand painted boots? I remember in the good old days when you all would cry for me to make things less poly and more "just texture".

    The skirt is a bad picture, but it’s your call. Whatever, I don’t take offense if you don’t download it haha. I just didn't have time to go in game and do moorree pictures.

    hmm let’s see what else I can address, the "Smokey eye" is the same make up I updated with last time, I only changed the colors and made them look more "normal". A little experiment I thought I’d through out there to see if people could tell the difference or not.

    And the lipstick is a Halloween look, it’s my couture witch lip, kinda square on the bottom and the top lip has a curve to be like devil horns. I figured people could use it more when they start doing sim contest and stuff.

    Thanks so much to you guys who appreciated all this, considering I’m a full time student with a part time job, adjusting to manhatten all over again non the less, updates are kinda hard for me to pull out, so I’m sorry I can’t do it every week like Peggy. But I do love doing this and ther’s no sign of me stopping so don’t worry!

  14. Some comments on the robot dress. *is earlier annon who mentioned it*

    .. It doesn't have thin/fat morphs, so whatever size the dress is is the size your sim will become (in my case, fatter) save for the knees, which will expand if you make the sim fatter.

    Also, arms through skirt issues, and some really odd shading around the knees.

    Just some things to watch out for.. I like how the dress itself looks, but not so much these things. :/ .. I think it uses the middle size for the dress, which doesn't work for me, because I always use hyper thin sims.

  15. To adress the robot dress... I guess I uploaded the wrong version! I made the dress first with the new workshop, and then once I realized I would loose the morphs I reinstalled the older version and reconstructed the same dress. I'll fix it right now with the new package that is pictured. Ps the model on my screenshot is "hyper" thin aswell so don't worry your sim will be able to wear it shortly!

  16. Ok, thanks. ^^

    Also, where's the glove thing she's wearing with the robot dress? It looks really cool, but it wasn't attached. Is it a separate accessory?

  17. YES! I have been waiting for new arrivals at this site - thank you :)

  18. Downloaded the silvery dress and the Sea Nymph costume. Thanks a bunch!

  19. omfg love those balenciaga boots!!!

    good for my mythies! :)
    the proportions on the models are extremely grotesque, i must say...

  21. I live this boots, but I'd pass because the file size is too big for me.

  22. ^ use the Compressorizer.

    These aren't really my style, for the most part (too high-fashion for most of my everyday Sims), but they're nicely done. I like the silver dress and the green chest...thing a lot. :)

  23. DOes someone know where the last blonde hair are from???

  24. *SCREAM * EEEK! O>o !!!
    I will download and give my sims high fashion that I can't afford!

  25. So I'm guessing I'm the only one who's game crashes when they put things in from this site? Makes me wonder how to fix that problem.

  26. DREW IS THE SHIZZ Hes like my fave creator i LOVE his couture i cant believe people dont like this sort of thing! why would ppl want the same crap that everyone sees all the time..a dress..jeans ...tank with some right on it big deal. these a DIFFERENT and i deff think thats what the game needs i hope he continues to make stuff i sure wish i knew how!! lol

  27. ^ I like realism in 95% of my neighborhood, and save the fun stuff for a select few sims.

  28. the shiny skirt reminds me of fish scales..

  29. The Sea Nymph Weeds doesn't install on my Sims 3 game for some reason :<
