
November 08, 2009

Set Of Simple Wavy Hairs for Females by Oepu

Download these individually or all in one file at Oepu's Sims Downloads. For teen - elder.

File names:


  1. You rock.Thank you sooooooooooooo much Oepu for making a wavy hair.

  2. So much nicer than the original mesh!

  3. I love sets that give you a lot of options. Thanks Oepu & MS3B!

  4. i much prefer the peggy stuff or cazy's conversions. :L

  5. Perfect. Exactly what I've been looking for, and in a style that fits in with the game.

  6. Oepu hardly "made" it, it's just a modification of an EA hair... You guys are giving too much credit where it hasn't been earned. I hate to see someone who could be doing so much bettter doing shit that's already been done by the dunderheads at TSR.

  7. @^, at least it's recolorable. =P

  8. Yeah, these look kind of poor to me... just contorting crappy EA meshes. I thought it was TSR work until I saw the filenames.

  9. HEY I use EA MESHES and content, and satsifies me just fine thank-you!
    And I someone makes much needed alterations to maxis content, I thank them. Not everyone knows how to mesh hair, even slight varations. Can you guys do that? if you can I would like to see you whip out CC at great quality. you kniow since it s s oeasy for you and all....

    I love this hair and I love her model even more!

    notice how opeu has cartoony style to her sims and content. thats becaus its just her style. Every great artist ahs a style thats not mainstream, and not everyone wants everything to be extreemly realistic. Its sims 3 for god sakes. if you wnated realism, I suggest you go outside and live a real life.

  10. I think they are nice. :)

  11. Ok, it's not a new hair mesh, so what?

    She did us a favor and created diversity where it obviously wasn't.

    And i thank her for that.

  12. I think they are nice. Thanks Oepu!

  13. Bad quality, imho...

    Looks like TS2 hairs. IF even.

  14. @ spergin anon a few posts above:
    i don't see anybody insulting oepu's cartoony style, lack of realism... Yeah, I don't really know why you're freaking out.

    i agree, though. this does look tsr~ish.

  15. @ "She did us a favor and created diversity where it obviously wasn't."

    lolwut, this isn't like the earliest days of the game when we had to settle for crappy cc hairs. have you looked at this blog at all? there are 9000+ cc hairs. plenty of diversity.

  16. Does anyone know what skin default Oepu is using? It looks amazing.

  17. At least they look WAY better than EA's original. I really like the bang-less and 'ear' versions :)
    You should know that Oepu always works in maxis match creations, what is awesome for me :D

  18. " @ spergin anon a few posts above:
    i don't see anybody insulting oepu's cartoony style, lack of realism... Yeah, I don't really know why you're freaking out.

    i agree, though. this does look tsr~ish.

    Anonymous said...

    @ "She did us a favor and created diversity where it obviously wasn't."

    lolwut, this isn't like the earliest days of the game when we had to settle for crappy cc hairs. have you looked at this blog at all? there are 9000+ cc hairs. plenty of diversity."

    I obviously was referring to THAT hair, she created versions of it, which would have been nice of EA to do.

  19. And sorry my comment screwed up and took another comment which wasn't supposed to be there >_> uh xD

  20. The second one is kinda cute!

  21. ZOMG IT'S MY HAIR!!!!
    Finally, some hair tucked behind the ears!! I'm sooooo happy!

  22. I really like all of them. :) A hair doesn't have to be 100% ~original~ to look great.

  23. What's with all the people being dickbags about not using new meshes etc? Altering existing content is a great way to improve what we already have.

  24. Ooo Pretty! Some people enjoy Maxis Matches......

  25. I like the first two (that hairstyle definitely looks better without the bangs), but the hair parting looks a bit wide. Has anyone seen it in-game to see if it looks too bald there or not? Hard to tell from the screenshots :)

  26. i too thought it was tsr when i 1st look.. it ain't that great..but i guess it's okay..

  27. I recognized it instantly as Oepu's work. Can't want to try these in game!

  28. Not really my thing. I can tell just by looking at them that the bang-less versions are going to make my Sims look like fiveheads. I appreciate that she did so many different variants, though, to a mesh that was originally terrible.

  29. If EA is so terrible then don't buy the stupid game

  30. I'm glad someone did these :)
    I really want some more pin up hair
    the betty page bangs made me think of that

  31. "If EA is so terrible then don't buy the stupid game"

    Wow, now that's brand loyalty for you: sticking up for the company in a blog comment post. Go you.

    Seriously, I love the BASICS of Sim games, but without CC they'd be entirely uninteresting to me after about a day. CC and mods are what make The Sims fun in the first place. EA makes the game, and creators make the game worth playing.

  32. I like the styles, but I don't like the texture all that much. It's too flat and EA base game for my tastes. I prefer textures with a little more shine to them. Still, the style is nice.

  33. I *LOVE* the no bangs versions - she calls them nopony. Bangs look awful in real life and on sims! (Think, Ugly Betty.)

  34. Why is everyone so freaked out over someones opinion. I personally don't like the hair. Thats my opinion. If you like it download it if not don't. I won't be downloading it because I didn't like the EA version and this looks very similar.

  35. wow this hair looks much prettier without the bangs!

  36. They look nice enough, I think it's way too harsh to liken them to Tsr hairs.....are you sure you've seen tsr hairs? They make this look outstanding in comparison (apart from ulker's hairs anyway)

  37. ^ Seriously, what he/she said. This may be EA-match (which isn't really my thing), but it's a thousand times better than 99% of the hairs on TSR.

  38. Wow there are some seriously rude comments here. Why are people so nasty?

    I personally love these. I hated the EA version. Now I can actually use this hair and enjoy it. Sometimes simple is best.

  39. Dude, I don't care if people love or hate the hair, but calling someone a dickbag because they don't make things just the way you like is never justified. Call the hair ugly, say that they make ugly styles, whatever. To each their own and not everyone has to like the same thing. No one is a *insert stupid name here* for the sole reason of not doing what you want when they owe you nothing in the first place.

  40. ^ I made the original comment, and I was actually referring to the nasty comments. IE, why are people being such dickbags about creators who use game meshes. The second line ("Altering existing content is a great way to improve what we already have") probably should have given my point away, but I can see why you read it the other way. :P

  41. DS: anon said "What's with all the people being dickbags *about* not using new meshes," not "*by* not using new meshes."

  42. Yeah, the second line should have given it away. I guess after I misinterpreted the first I didn't think too much about the rest. I was too disgusted by the idea of someone calling the creators dickbags for not using original meshes. Sorry about that ;)

  43. ^ anon-me again. ;)

    No worries. If I thought someone was insulting creators, I probably would have reacted the same way. In fact, I'm pretty sure I have at some point or another.
