
November 24, 2009

Thandiwe Kewfilwe by FREEDOM_55

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. This sims is awesome! I can't wait to add her to my game :D

  2. Nice :o Good job, freedom_55. c:

  3. Great looking sim!! Very realistic!

  4. Definitely downloading this one. I might use a different skin though, I'm not crazy about the shine action going on. Any pics of this Sim in-game, Nicole? Lol.

  5. to olomaya - all you have do is not use the shine , the creator said its optional. the shine is seperate from the skintone anyways. go read post for more information

  6. Yep, thanks Anon. Just came from MTS to download the Sim. I'm going to see how the shine looks in CAS first before deciding.

  7. she looks so pretty and life-like! looks like i'd see her anywhere. i wasn't aware that hair had been converted for sims3 but it's nice. can't wait to dl her

  8. she is really awesome

  9. might download this because, mainly, I can't really see the detail from the post here.. I'd give the reason why, but it would probably be taken the wrong way...

  10. ^ I'm guessing you mean that these pics are a bit too dark to see her details? ;) Nothing wrong with saying that, IMO...the pics aren't lit very well, it's not something against the sim's coloring. You can tell, because even her teeth, bikini and the whites of her eyes look a bit shadowed. I think she's back-lit.

    The larger versions are a lot easier to see.

  11. Shes pretty and all but i was wondering is she supposed to be a celebrity cuz ive never seen her before ither way really nice freedom 55

  12. ^ I think she's imaginary. Either way, she's beautiful. I tried making an African sim a few weeks ago and she didn't turn out nearly this nice.

  13. I saw a woman who kinda looked like this on the street today. I stopped in my tracks and forgot what I was saying lol (stunning). This is a good, realistic looking sim. thank you!

  14. Sorry .. I just don't see what everyone else here seems to see in this sim.

  15. maybe you need glasses then anon, lol
    we see a beautiful black, female sims. That is out of the typical sims we see and a sim thats look unique yet VERY realistic. the most real sim i've seen in sims 3 yet. even compared to sims 2 standards.

    your sim is lovely, FREEDOM _55don'worry about the anon above. I sense he the jealous creator who posting on all the sim posts about not being "unique enough" or special b/c he is insecure about his own abilities and no one downloads his sims off the exchange.

  16. Hater comments have absolutely no value, this is definitely a realistic looking african woman and the hairstyle is perfect for her looks.

  17. ^ what hater comments? aren't people *allowed* to dislike something? I love this sim, but that doesn't mean EVERYONE has to.

  18. "I think it's imaginary" - No, I think it is based on a real person judging by the overview at MTS... Freedom_55 has the ability to create fairly realistic, well presented sims ("unique" if you must, though that term is starting to annoy many) without sliders or custom content besides. A very good sim creator & also a helpful contributor over at the creator feedback forum - quick & to the point...

  19. I swear people are real morons on this blog. I don't see anything pretty about this sim either. Really. Does everyone have to go overboard with the oh she's so great comments because she's black? Get some reality in your lives. What is so unique about her except her really dark skin? To me she's just plain and something I would and did totally pass by. What you guys are playing at is overcompensating discrimination. Just be truthful. Pretty black women, there are many. Model a sim after one of them and get it right and I'll tell you she's pretty. This one is not.

  20. The anon above me needs to get his eyes checked then....

  21. The anon two posts above me probably thinks that a woman has to be super European and ultra "Barbie Doll" like with exaggerated features to be attractive. It obvious you have UNREALISTIC standards of beauty if you can't see why this sim would be viewed as attractive.

  22. to the anon 3 posts above:
    obviously she was unique enough to past MTS high standards of sim uniqueness.No one said they like her b/c she is black,she is beautiful regardless. If you google nigerian women, SEVERAl of them have the exact similar features. Do you find them ugly as well, then? people were just admiring the fact that their wasn't many sims of color, and its nice to see a change.

    I simply cannot understand why don't find her "unique" or attractive. NAME one thing.
    maybe if she gave her stertoyopical over exagerated large lips and wide nostrils , she
    would be "black "enough for you then. I would definately like to see you do better.

  23. to the stupid anon 4 posts above me;):Yea, I mean have you seen her facial scuplt and nose alone? thats" unique" right there. And another thing who are to say who looks " black " and who doesn't?
    even if we take her skin color away she is unique regardless. which goes you to show you don't need to exaggerated features in the sims 3 or in real life to stand out of a crowd. this is odd feedback especailly to a creator like FREEDOM 55 who has been known to only create unique sims.

  24. this sim offer a balance uniqueness while not looking inhuman with exagerated features. which is why others and I find her not only realistic but attractive as well.

  25. i agree. she's a cutie. what's up w/ that face mask though on mts? she doesn't look the same as here w/ that lighter mask pic

  26. Love her :)
    she looks real as appose to the almosy fantasy sims that pop up alot
    nothing against fantasy unreal sims, its just a nice change :)

  27. ..actually all the people waxing lyrical over Yamis doll-like sims are more of a put-off than those liking this.. - there's a different perspective for you...

  28. yay they used my face mask, I think it looks a lot better on darker skin, I accidently made it too pale!
