
November 23, 2009

Three Hair Retextures by Abbey

Download these retextures at Garden Of Shadows.

This one was done by Peggy here

File name: 122

This one was done by Peggy here

File name: abbey_peggyfree41

And this one also by Peggy can be found here

File name: abbey_peggy51


  1. Yes! She retextured them!

  2. Always imitated never duplicated, Peggy you're a God. I'm gonna stick with your lovely originals.

  3. ^ Abbey openly uses Peggy's meshes, she just puts textures on them that many people prefer. It's not really imitation. Some people don't, but to each their own. :)

    The retextures are beautiful, btw.

  4. Ohhh...I love these!!! Thanks for retextured hairs.

  5. I actually like Peggy's textures, but Abbey's are superior in every way. Thank you, Abbey :-)

  6. Oh wow, that was fast! Thanks Abbey!

  7. I always love the retexures by Abbey, but the one on the top looks a little weird at the part.

  8. The first two are supercute but the third was is not so much. Though that has more to do with the mesh and the Sim than anything else.

  9. 2nd last anon: not my fault, it's the mesh. :)

  10. Oh, yeah! These are much nicer! Thankies!

  11. These retextures are better to me, i hate the hyper shine in peggy's orgiginals. Has anyone tried these yet? Peggy's hairs are always so gappy to me and some of them have a weird white space at the front (nope, not my graphics card). I just want to make sure these retextures don't have any typical peggy prooblems before I dl. so if anyone can tell me how they look in game, I'd appreciate it. thanks for the retextures abbey!

  12. These are gorgeous! I don't have a problem with Peggy's either but these are so nice! I love the model too, by the way. She is very sweet looking.

  13. I love her retextures! Peggy's textures don't recolor pretty well. Can't say no to Pooklet! :D

  14. To sKai99: If you encountered these problems with these specific hair by Peggy (with the original texture), then you will encounter the same with these pookleted hair by Abbey.

    Also, these shots ARE in-game from what I can tell, so you already have a slight idea how it looks from the front and at a 3/4 angle.

    Thank you Abbey! I'll definitely use your retextured hairstyles!

  15. i want the sim, shes so cute!!

  16. yeah where is this sim ?

  17. She's one of my born in game sims. I might put her up sometime..glad you all like the hair!

  18. So many conversions.

    I think that the only way Peggy makes money is when people buy her stuff to upload on simscave and PMBD. No wonder she's churning out 3 hairstyles a day.

  19. ^
    edit: I meant re-textures, but you guys get what I mean :-]

  20. Abbey's on a roll! Thank you so much. Now I can use these hairs in my light-haired sims without black roots.

  21. thanks again abbey your awesome

  22. Nice job Abbey! Excellent textures!

  23. if you would upload her that would be great. Ive actually been checking for a few days to see if you had.

  24. WOW thank for they are wonderfull
    Pls Upload the Sim She is such a cute sunshine
    I am in love with her :)

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