
November 23, 2009

World of Men by SuperSwiffty

Download these at The Sims Resource - click the pictures to download


  1. I dunno about this. While the image layout is eye-catching, between all the undies shots and the "ripped" male skin the creator uses this feels very much like a tawdry male-escort ad.

  2. sim porn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. woooo whoooo! that's what im talkin about!

  4. this is funny b/c i downloaded a sim from the exchange and he came packaged w/ a g-string and huge dragon tattoo. i didn't see it until he got out of bed in-game and had a shock at his butt cheeks!

  5. Lol, sim porn and male-escort ad? Wow - talk about being close minded.

    I'm simply celebrating men and their "beauty" - their bodies play a huge part in doing so.

    I do so because it is in decline! I'm bored of the same type of men being created and shared (kudos to those sharing their creations, but it gets boring) - so I thought why not take a different approach!

    I will also be doing a female edition - even though there is an array of different types of female Sims available to download! They will be in bikinis and so on - if you class that as porn then you've been misinformed on the meaning of porn.

    If your parents don't want you downloading this sort of thing, scroll down.

    Thank you to those showing support though (elsewhere) - more to come soon!

  6. I like your men, SuperSwiffty. A lot of the sim men available for download are usually very androgynous and it's nice to have some "manly" men available. :)

  7. Great work on your Sims! I only noticed one with a thong on and I don't see this as porn...very creative approach! YOU do what YOU want to do...these are...after all...YOUR creations!! Love me some masculine menzs!! Lol!! Of course I love my pretty boys as well...*hint hint...#3!*

  8. Ah thanks cecesaun1! ;) Oh and TSR are publishing 6/7 more men tomorrow - there are a few pretty boys in that collection ;)

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Like the last three. First one is a bit too pretty for my tastes. Glad to see someone posting real men and not toothpick, emo vampire pansies. Lol. Sorry, that was probably rude but I can't stand the trend of effeminate looking women in the TS2/TS3 world.

    Anyway, will definitely download though I will probably "de-buff" the guys a little.

  11. Awww, man, I'm a bit disappointed. When I saw the pictures of the individual Sims, I thought it was Sim-world modeling pictures to be put up on a female Sim's wall :(

    Chase is yummy, I'd like Matthew a bit more without the facial hair.

  12. Hey Swiffty ... a couple of these look a little like your blog sim ... coincidental or not? ;).

    They are quite cute and I love the idea of diverse, non-cookie-cutter sims. Thanks for making and sharing them!

    Lastly, IRL as in-game, a buffy guy makes my heart skip a beat! (First thing I noticed, and appreciated, about my hubby) :O)!

  13. I love Mark & Matthew!

    Awesome Job ;)

  14. ok but u still gotta make some sim porn plz!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. ok but u still gotta make some sim porn plz!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. ok but u still gotta make some sim porn plz!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. ^ Ummm, ew. Why would you want sim porn anyway? I mean, if your gonna go for porn, at least keep it to RL.

  18. Thanks for the positive feedback guys! & Jen you could always remove the facial hair lol!

    Xer you're absolutely right haha, even though my blog sim avatar looks like an older version of myself - he's available to download on TSR under the name "Devon Clancey"

    As for Sim porn Anon, you can find that on - I don't make any or know how - but I understand how some people have some pretty weird fetishes haha!

  19. @ super swify
    don't take this personally but your sims aren't unique. Not to be broken record player but ...
    if it looks like a face you could get just hitting "randomize face" a few times in Create a Sim, it's not really unique. Please make an effort to create truly unique sims that not just anyone could make with a little fiddling.I know this is hard, but really, what's the point in someone downloading a sim they could just make themselves?
    I understand the sometimes maddening limit of facial options in the game and the tendency for a generic "sameness" quality in the faces. however ,your sims represent a genuine effort to make a unique, interesting face sculpt, beyond the regular look of TS3 sims, with all of the features (not just one or two) contributing to a unique overall look.

    Your sim should have distinctive features that helps them stand out from the crowd, a special something that makes people want to download them that couldn't be easily reproduced.

    And no, making a blue/green/red sim and calling it "fantasy" doesn't count as unique. Nor does making a freakishly weird sim just for weirdness sake.

  20. O.o I know your going for sexy but the thong is REALLY pushing( esp. w/ the pose ^^) and I a girl

  21. 2nd to last anon, the fact that the downloads for these men are increasing by the hour I won't take your post seriously ;) - thanks to everyone else for the positive feedback and MS3B for promoting them!
