
December 19, 2009

Carla Mago - a redhead girl with freckles and dreads by Slipslop

Download at Mod The Sims


  1. In before the "too unique" people.

    She isn't my style, but I'm sure there are others who will like her.

  2. I bet she's a lesbian and doing environmental studies in university.

  3. Not very nice, to those who are commenting meanly. I'm sure she would look fine with a new hairdo. You guys probably don't like her because of that...

  4. I really like her. She's unique but still very pretty. She looks a lot like a girl I went to school with, but she had dark hair. The only thing I don't like is her clothing (especially the color scheme), which can be easily changed.

  5. Minus the hair and uggo clothes she's cute. I really like the jawline and chin. And her nose is very nice.

  6. Lisa I don't get it? Is calling someone a lesbian mean?

  7. Cute! I adore her hair, and I think her clothing is fun. She seems quirky.

  8. She's pretty! I might download and make her medieval-y for my themed neighborhood.

  9. "Is calling someone a lesbian mean?"

    No, but making a snap judgment about someone's sexuality based on their hair and clothing isn't exactly logical, either.

  10. Thanks for the input everyone, i know most people like the beautiful model like females, but i'm sure many people like this type of girl.

    People mainly download for the face i think, because hairstyle and clothes are pure personal taste imo and can be changes in a few minutes.

    And 2nd anon made me laugh hard too i must admit it, nice one! That's what i like on this blog, the Anons just say what they think ;)

  11. i bet she is a heterosexual doing an
    MBA at Harvard and has a some white President as a father. shes probably right handed, showers twice a day and secretly like oompa loompas.

  12. i bet she is a omnisexual with 34 friends, has a pet when she was younger, and uses the toilet an average of 6 times a day. she looks like she supports public healthcare options but votes republican on principle.

  13. i bet she is the secret lovechild between tiger woods and sarah palin thats why she has a blacks hair and white skin

  14. I bet she is poison ivy in disguise because her hair is red and her clothes are green.

  15. ^ That's what i mean, simply great! Be more creative Anons, this leaves me completely cold..

  16. "she looks like she supports public healthcare options but votes republican on principle."

    I lol'd so hard! XD

  17. it must be the hair cuz i hate it but her face is interesting enuff to work with her features are so strong that they do appear "butch-ish" lol

  18. i could make her pretty w/ a softer hairstyle and more feminine clothing. she looks very "real" and yes, unique

  19. "no, but making a snap judgment about someone's sexuality based on their hair and clothing isn't exactly logical, either." - true, but as much as I hate them - stereotyping is human nature. The majority base their lives making crude judgements on someone based on array of physical features and general attributes - but seeing as this is only a Sim I don't see the harm.

  20. I don't like the hair or clothes (which are changeable, so meh), but I really like her face. I think there's something accessible about it.

  21. I wonder how many people here are the 'beautiful model girls' in real life! The real world is full of people of all shapes, sizes, and facial features. Even if you look at real life actresses, many of them are not classical beauties. If you want a world with unrealistic beauties everywhere then so be it. But there is no need to criticize the sims that look more realistic. Most of my sims are beautiful because I want pretty babies. But that doesn't mean I don't appreciate the work of this creator. I think she is amazing and I might download her just because she could be fun to play. As for the lesbian comment, I have had friends that are lesbians who are gorgeous. Ignorance does not become the posters here.

  22. I don't recall anyone calling this sim ugly :S - does implying a sim is lesbian mean she must be ugly? Gosh, stop blowing it all out of proportion, I'm pretty sure the poster said what he/she said because she has stereotypical masculine facial features (arguable) and the clothes of a stereotypical 'nature lover'.

  23. No, man. You've got it all wrong. She's a dragqueen who's in Yale, studying psychology, as an ode to her grandfather who became mentally unstable after loosing his best friend in the Vietnam War. She votes Democrat, even though she's repulsed by her mother going on and on about how hot Obama is.


  24. I like her. She looks like somebody I would have had a class with in college.

  25. ...
    LOL @ her formal clothes.

  26. ^^^ I think I love you, seriously.

  27. I think she's lovely.

  28. Can someone PLEASE make a longer version of that hair? That would fantastic <3 :D

  29. I like her very much and she turns out great in my game. Thank you!

    @the anon above: the is a longer version on gos ;)

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