
December 06, 2009

Man-V- Nouk's Girl-Next-Door Retexture by Missbonbon

A new retexture of Man's GND conversion is available.

Download at Missbonbon's Journal

File name: Missbonbon_afManhairmesh066-[mesh_by_nouk]


  1. Yow! Missbonbon, I love your stuff but I don't think the new texture does this hair much good D: I think it's just an awkward hair mesh.

  2. Yeah, it is just an awkward mesh. :(

  3. I like it. It's not particularly exciting or anything, but I think it looks simple and versatile (from the pics at least). The new textures are nicer, IMO.

  4. awesome.I bow down to the queen MissBonBon. let me do your evil bidding >=)

  5. what's up w/ all the retexture posts every day??? is there some type of competition going on?

  6. I agree that the mesh looks awkward. It's too bad, because (as Katana said) it looks like it would otherwise be versatile and very useful. The retexture makes it look better, but the mesh looks kind of... chunky? I can't really fix on it as I'm pretty tired.

    I hope somebody else converts this hair, because as usual it seems Man has done a mediocre job at best.

  7. ^There's no need to pick fights. Sims 2 hair doesn't always translate well in Sims 3.

    That being said, I like this conversion. I don't see it as being any "chunkier" than the TS2 version.

  8. It is looking good, but it does not fit very well.. you see a scalp part on the [sim's] left, though.

    Too bad, I loved this hair in sims2.

  9. it looks like a wig

  10. I tried to convert this hair, and it didn't look any better than Man's version. It's just that there are hairs that won't ever fit sims3 heads. (Sims3 heads are wider than sims2 heads)

  11. It's not worth investing more time on this hair, it's bad and cant be fixed

  12. I actually think it's pretty nice. I don't see these OMGHORRIBLE mesh issues that everyone seems so upset about. It's not 100% perfect but it's certainly not that bad.

    The retextures help it a lot, IMO.

  13. Why is everyone still converting Sims 2 hairs when they could be working on new Sims 3 hairs? o_O I know, I don't make anything so I shouldn't be throwing stones, but arghh.

  14. ^ Because there are TONS of TS2 hairs that people love, and there's no point in going through the massive amount of effort involved in making new meshes if old meshes will work just as well.

    Besides, there ARE new meshes coming out. As more and more people become familiar with the tools, I'm sure there will be lots more. Considering how young the game is, we actually have a huge influx of content. Do you remember how long it was before quality hairs came out for TS2? If you don't...well, it was a very, very long time before decent new hairs came out regularly. As in, YEARS. We're actually doing pretty well IMO.

  15. Sorry, but it really isn't that great looking. =/

  16. Anyone know where i can get freckles for body like on this model?
